My honey made both of us totally smurfy breakfasts on Wednesday (8/2):

I headed to the studio after that to get my striped quilt off of XENA, and by then my honey was done eating his omelet, so I headed back to the kitchen to start on the binding for another quilt:

I got the first side stitched…ironed the binding out and got the second side done:

Once I stitched down the label, it was another totally finished quilt….YAY!!!:

I had a leftover hamburger for dinner, while Michael had a salad, and we vegged in front of the TV while I knit in the evening. I think this is the first day since we got back from our trip that I have NOT wanted to take a nap…of course, I DID get 9 hours of sleep last night (totally unusual for me :~).
Thursday (8/3) was all about quilting. I took another quilt to be bound:

and we had lots of good show and tell:

-Jerri went crazy with a new pattern that I absolutely LOVE!!!!

And I finally got to show the 3 chandelier quilts I did....all of the same fabric, just pulled out a different color for each of the setting triangles:

It was the first Thursday of the month, so we also had lots of WONDERFUL food…..I had 2 huge helpings of a spectacular spinach salad!
I spent a lot of time on the internet when I got home, and after Michael looked at a few pictures, I submitted a dog adoption application….stay tuned. I think Michael had a salad for dinner, and I had a bowl of popcorn (still full from lunch) and I knit in the evening. My hands really get sore when I knit, but luckily I have an excellent hand massager sitting right beside me :~).
The only thing of note on Friday (8/4) was lunch out with Susan. I was really looking forward to having the same meal we had the first time at the Indian Restaurant, but on Fridays they have a buffet. That was good because I got to try a variety of things and decide if I liked them!

Susan did a handmade birthday card for me:

I love everything about it. I tried my hand at card making many, many years ago…and it was NOT GOOD!!! So, I really appreciate a totally original card. I did hear back from the adoption center, they did not think the dog we were considering, would get along with the search continues.
Michael and I played cribbage in the evening before settling in to knitting and TV watching.
*** When I asked for a smoking hot body, menopause was NOT what I had in mind. ***
*** If they only knew how much swearing went into their handmade gifts. ***
*** I’m at the age that not finding parking for an event is enough to make me go home. ***
I absolutely loved all of the appliqued quilts! They look extremely time consuming, but beautiful. Does Jerri ever sleep? All of her quilts are great! Love your chandelier quilts with the batik fabric!
Jerri’s quilts were fab!
Hope you liked the buffet. I can't believe Jerri can make that many quilts in a week? or month? I wouldn't be able to do that in a year. I think I have ADD when I have to repeat the same block over and over!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like your birthday gift may be able to bark 😉