My honey got sucked into that extra thick bacon last time he was at Harris Teeter, so I got a delightful and yummy surprise with my breakfast on Tuesday:

I was in the studio, ripping out my recently basted quilt. For some reason, I left a little too much room at the top when I basted it the first time:

and so ran out of backing by the time I got to the bottom :~(. So, I ripped it all out and re-basted, and now I’m ready to go. I needed to do a little kitchen clean-up after that, but by 1 PM I was ready to start quilting:

And by dinnertime, I was done (can you see that the quilting is big kitty paw prints?):

Michael and I had sausage soup and sandwiches for dinner, then he left for the movies, while I watched MIDSOMER MURDERS and continued to reclaim backing fabric (it never ends!!!)
Michael left at 9 AM on Wednesday (12/14), while I SKYPE’d with Janice in the morning, went to the dentist for a replacement of an old filling around NOON, and got a flu shot in the afternoon! Michael ended up coming home as I was leaving for the dentist (he only played 9 holes, but was kinda happy with his 42), wet and FREEZING (it was an ugly, raw day). I was finally in my studio at 4 PM and got my kitty quilt off of the frame and continued to sew together the QoV on my design wall.
OK - if I already posted this, I a quick glance at several old posts, I couldn't find it. Anyway, Jerri told me at quilting how much one of the staff at her daughter's place of work would love this quilt...and that she was facing some bad health news, so I sent it along with her. The recipient LOVED it and just kept stroking it and saying how much she loved it and all of the sayings on it:

*** Dear Santa, I would like a new birthday suit this year….my current one is old, wrinkled and sagging. ***
*** OH….the weather outside is frightful…
And my joint pain is not delightful…
And since it has gotten so cold…
I feel old....I feel old....I feel old. ***
Ok please clarify, you Just had to rip out basting or you got the quilt totally quilted and saw You ran out of backing and you had to rip out all the quilting and basting
Sad sad sad song!