Current COVID related deaths: 718,986
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 716,849
There were beautiful roses to greet me on Friday morning (10/1):

My honey was doing a bit of outside work in the early hours and picked them from our rose bush. I was downstairs by 9 AM to continue quilting on my customer quilt. I got stuck on the phone…trying to order HEARTGARD for Cookie, so my honey brought me a smurfy breakfast:

before he left for his own lunch hour with his LLB group.
I continued to work on the second customer quilt and by 3 PM the quilting was done!

This is such a pretty, cheerful quilt...I think it's for her granddaughter and I'm sure she will love it! I spent an hour getting it off of the frame, then started to tackle my last customer quilt….I am not looking forward to doing this one…here’s the backing:

notice that big hole where there’s no fabric on the bottom right? You know...where the purple fabric just ends!! How the heck am I supposed to load that up??? And it is like this on both sides!!!
Michael came home from his luncheon and doing errands…and he wasn’t hungry for dinner after his big lunch….so I think he had cereal again (I don’t know, I was downstairs struggling with the quilt) and left for rehearsal. I trimmed the backing and got it half loaded (the quilt NOT me :~):

before quitting and having a nice chat with Mary Lee. My honey didn’t get home until 11:30 and we watched only a bit of TV before falling into bed.
Remember when my friend Mary Jo was visiting in May and noticed a lump on Cookie’s back leg? Well, when we took Cookie to the vet, she was diagnosed with cancer. I knew years ago that I would probably be unwilling to put a dog through chemo, and luckily Michael was of the same mind. The vet thought without chemo, Cookie would have 3 months at best….and that would have been July/August. I immediately switched Cookie to homemade dog food (brown rice, sweet potatoes, chicken & mixed vegetables) plus a bit of her old kibble food (for the minerals she needs). I had wanted to do that for years…and looked into it several years ago, but couldn’t find a recipe I liked that was easy. Sorry, but easy was a critical component if I was going to keep up with it! Anyway, one of the regular food blogs I read came out with a recipe for natural dog food in the crockpot, and I’ve been doing it ever since….it’s simple! So, we had a yearly check-up for Cookie earlier this week, with blood work….and the vet called us Friday with the results. For several years Cookie has had elevated liver enzyme levels…and the vet has recommended various pills which have done nothing…the levels have continued to rise, meaning that eventually her liver would fail. Well…the levels are on their way back down to normal!!! That has never happened before...they just continued to go up the older Cookie got. AND…..AND….at this moment in time, there is NO SIGN of the cancer!!! So, we are cautiously optimistic that we are on the road to having her for many more years. Now, if I could just get the kitties on to a bit of homemade food….
And a sneak peak at Janice’s next scrap obsession:

Remember those 300 pieces she cut for the Fiber Floozie retreat? I think it's for this.
*** There’s nothing like a little tomato soup to soothe the soul. Even if it’s cold….over ice….with a celery stalk….and vodka. ***
WOW ! I'm soooo happy for the update on Cookie ! You're a GREAT Mom !
You are a great doctor!!