Michael left super early Friday morning (5/13) to head to South Blvd for service on our car, as well as stops on the way home at Harris Teeter, the liquor store and IVY strawberry place. Gale picked me up to take me to my blood work appointment (cross your fingers about my A1C being better!), then we headed to STACKS for breakfast. It was TERRIFIC to see her….we haven’t been together in forever…and as usual….had lots to talk about! And breakfast (scrabled eggs, bacon and grits) was EXCELLENT!
I beat Michael home by just a little bit…but as soon as he got home, I called the woman in charge of the dialysis center in Lancaster, and arranged to drop off the quilts. I gave Susie (Thursday quilter and incredible baker) a call and she went with me…which gave us a nice chance to talk all the way down and back :~). The ladies at the dialysis center were THRILLED with the quilts….I swear, every time she pulled a new one out of the bag she would say ‘’oh, this one is beautiful…oh this one is gorgeous….oh you are such a blessing to have done these’’, so of course…I wanted to come home and make a hundred more!!!!
I was finally home by 3 PM and got my blog out before loading up the 3rd and last of the men’s quilts:

Well…I started to load it up…then received a text, which indicated a fraudulent charge on one of our credit cards….you know what that means…..an hour later, 3 different phone numbers, and one on-line chat….we finally got it reported and resolved!! After that I finished off my basting on the quilt.
I had shrimp cocktail for dinner, while Michael had crab meat…and I got to sew for just a bit more after dinner before joining Michael upstairs. We watched the second part of a NOVA special on dinosaurs and it was incredibly interesting….all about the day the meteor struck…and the dinosaurs died.
And have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE our squirrel proof bird feeders? This was one frustrated squirrel:

*** At my age, rolling out of bed in the morning is the easy part.
Getting off the floor is a whole other story. ***
Frustrated squirrels have been known to attack!