I know some people had trouble loading the blog yesterday….if you never got in, try this link: https://dreamsoaps.wixsite.com/website/post/saturday-sunday-3
Monday (3/25) was all about working on my Strip Twist quilt….I got it basted….

wound bobbins….set up the program (I didn’t know what to use, so fell back on an old favorite) and kicked things off:

Except for spending some time pulling together what I needed for another Beginning Knitting class, I quilted all day and got about half way done by the time I left at 5:30 PM for my class.
OMgoodness…what a great group of women! Two of my former students, Iris and Laura came along to help…and I had 5 new ladies who are just a hoot! I think everyone had a wonderful time….and since the library is closed next Monday, I am going to ask if they want to meet here.
I finally finished reading MY NAME IS BARBRA, the Barbra Streisand autobiography….over 900 pages of it! It was very interesting, and I have a couple of take-aways:
-she was successful at a very young age and it’s terrific that she never got into drugs/alcohol like so many young people do when they ae succesful
-her mother was a piece of work! She doesn’t reference it very often in all of those pages, but the few examples she gives are mind blowing
-I am so tired of reporters who say whatever they want….whether it is the truth or not :~(
-she is an incredibly talented and inquisitive woman who faced a lot of prejudice for being a woman
I thought it was a worthwhile read.
The Ellington Country Quilters (my old guild) retreat just finished and Leila was on the board with 2 beautiful offerings:

We left early Tuesday morning (3/26) for a heart doc appointment and a pacemaker check-up for Michael. These were routine appointments, but while he made a quick pit stop between the 2 appointments, I watched a guy hit the floor with a heart attack, right in the office!!!! MAN, you should have seen everyone MOVE!!! They were doing CPR within 20 seconds….and calling for a crash cart and a doctor and the guy was eventually wheeled out with oxygen attached….so at least they got him back….but what excitement!
We were home by NOON and I spent over an hour getting caught up on emails before going back to quilting. I finished up my first quilt:

and managed to get the second one basted:

before Michael heard thunder and I quickly shut everything down. My honey left before 6 PM for the movies, and I spent the evening knitting and watching TV.
Iris (knitting student) was asking about a pattern for baby booties....I eventually found one, but also told her I made these felted ones YEARS AND YEARS ago that I would happily gift to her.....even Micahel thought they were adorable when he saw them (as usual, the picture just doesn't do them justice!)

And 10 years ago...
*** I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. ***
The felted baby booties are SWEET !
Deb, I love your two quilts! Leila's quilts are great, especially the second one. I love the colors!
The felted booties are darling, What’s the name of your old standby quilting design