I was up at 7 AM on Tuesday morning (7/25) after getting in late Monday night from Heathrow in London (we were in bed just after 11 PM, which was 4 AM for our bodies!!!) and I pulled a grocery list together and headed to ALDI’s. Michael spent the morning unpacking and working through his emails and some mail, while I tried to get through a bunch of mail and email and bills. We both hit a wall in the afternoon and took a nap! I tried to do some research on the internet after that…we are seriously considering upgrading to a king-sized bed, but there is NOTHING out there for a canopy bed that is anything close to ours:

and we dearly love our current frame, the head ‘’board’’ and foot board and the curve at the top. It is an all iron bed and it is extremely sturdy. All of the canopy beds I saw were just a box, no style at all :~(. That was disappointing.
Michael somehow had enough energy to go to the movies with Larry, while I sat like a lump in the evening and watched several FATHER BROWN’s on PBS!
Janice asked if I could give a shout out to whoever gave her the striped pink fabric…..she knows she didn’t buy it, and felt it was the PERFECT binding for her pink/purple quilt:

And BG has finished another QoV top:

*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***
Asteroid City - This film is for Wes Anderson fans. Wes Anderson director of Moonrise Kingdom , The Royal Tannenbaums, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and Rushmore (among others). His Latest Asteroid City is part Sci-fi, part Family Drama and Comedy. The plot centers around an Area 51 type desert village that has been home to a mysterious asteroid that landed there some years ago. A group of nerdy kids and their parents arrive there for a "science" type festival to honor those nerdy kids. One family has had a recent tragedy that has not been dealt with, and that pushes the plot along. There is also teen romance, adult lust, and an Alien encounter. The color scheme is bright and garish as behooves a bright desert realm. Starring Ed Norton, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Brian Cranston, and many others from Anderson's stable of regulars, who seem to have been directed to NOT over emote? The way the film was presented intrigued me as an actor who has been in film and on stage. First presented as a stage play, it switches to cinema and also goes behind the scenes to the author trying to write the script as it plays out on screen. A most interesting format to say the least! If you are at all wondering how movies/plays/ writers evolve see this creation.
3 and 1/2 fat quarters out of 5
And before I get a bunch of questions in the variety of ‘’aren’t you going to write about your vacation’’? The answer is yes, but (unlike regular daily blog entries that take about an hour to write and post) that will take several hours....time that I do not want to spent right now….so just be patient and stay tuned.
*** Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We call those people cops. ***
Welcome home friend!
Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing you and pictures and hearing about your Lands adventures! I was in England the End of May.
Welcome back!!!!! Missed you !!!!
Welcome home !!
Glad you are home safe and sound. Looking forward to Pics and tales. Hope to see you Thursday.