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Another new appliance....

I spent Wednesday morning (10/18) SKYPE-ing with Janice, while Michael fed himself…and then made me breakfast, before heading out for a walk with the dog.

We’ve been having a bit of trouble with our washer for several months now, but I’ve been able to somewhat work around the problem. Unfortunately, that was not the case with our latest load of laundry, so I called a repair person after Janice and I were done talking. After me describing the problem, the repair person told me the part alone would cost $500 to fix, but it would also continue to fail on an even more frequent basis, so when Michael got home….off to the appliance store we went.

I had asked the repair person what brand of washer we should consider, so our SPEED QUEEN should be delivered on Friday. I feel like things are falling apart here…..a new bed (that WAS our choice), but now a new washer….then both of our car fobs (HATE the fob) indicated ‘’low battery’’, and so did the kitchen phone! And those batteries aren't just $2.95!! And last week it was my blood sugar monitor battery that needed to be replaced as well.

By late afternoon I was finally back in the studio, trying to clean up the first blue quilt and get it off of the frame (and on to the dreaded to-be-bound pile):

Michael left for rehearsal and I got the second quilt off of the frame, but not trimmed while he was gone.

*** Vampires sleep all day….fly wherever they want for free…and can’t see themselves in a mirror. Where do I sign up? ***

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