We were up early Sunday morning (5/21) and I got laundry going before heading downstairs. My honey brought me my usual egg/cheese/toast (with yummy IVY PLACE strawberries):

so that I could concentrate on my OBW…..and although it took me all day (what with interruptions for this and that…you people who think I work hard constantly have NO IDEA just how much goofing off and staring into space I do!!!), but the time I went upstairs to start dinner….all of the blocks were sewn into rows:

Pat stopped by in the afternoon between her whirlwind trips (just home from Chicago and off to Pawley’s Island in a few days) and we got to chat about lots of things…I am so lucky….I’ve had company come and visit 2 days in a row!!
I had sour cream to use up, and knew I had a pound of hamburger in the freezer, so I made skillet beef stroganoff for dinner…it was a new recipe and I tweaked it just a little bit and it was terrific!! I definitely think this could be an easy company dinner.
Arizona Mary has been busy and made a lovely, embroidered calendar holder for her home:

PSA (Public Service Announcement) - charging your cell phone on one of those wireless, flat chargers will burn out your phone. A woman at quilting had her brand new phone stop working after 1 year. When she took it back to the store, that is what they told her had happened….so, now you know!
And this is for my friend Anne...
*** My favorite essential oil is bacon grease. ***
My honey…? Staring into space? NEVER!
What do you think of the Flawless???
That is a good looking breakfast!
Cookie is looking very alert and happy with Paula. Hopefully, you can get back to work soon, you're falling behind!🤣