We slept in on Sunday morning (6/11), so I gave up my dream of pancakes and headed to my studio. It was an off day today as I just never felt right. I had some intestinal distress and a slight headache and weird feelings in my chest/gut. So all in all, it wasn’t a very productive day.
I started to load a customer backing….that I just love (I think if I owned this, I would just use it for the front of a quilt!):

while Michael took Cookie for a walk. He’s been having a bit of trouble with several of his toes cramping up when walking, and it happened again today :~(. Pat stopped by for a quick visit and to pick up some fish Michael bought for her at BJ’s…and I headed back to the studio after that. By the time I got the backing loaded, and the batting measured, cut and loaded, the rain/lightening had moved in….so I had to move on to something else as I don’t plug in XENA when it’s raining.
I took my flashlight into my fabric closet and eventually found my bolt of white tone-on-tone….WHEW!!! I couldn’t believe I had used it all, and neglected to put it on my FOUST list for August. I got the strips cut for a border on the sunburst quilt, and got all of the HST strips cut for a second WALK ABOUT…this time a rectangular one :~).
By then it was dinnertime and Michael and I had leftover Chinese before settling in front of the boob tube…but I did manage to knit the evening away.
Janice has sewn together her latest wheelchair QoV with a nice border:

Her guild has requested more of the smaller quilts…she may never to back to bigger ones :~).
*** My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash, and then it’s gone. ***
hope you both feel better !
Love Janice's quilt!!!
I like Janice's quilt. I know what she means about bigger quilts.