I was up early Tuesday morning (9/13) feeling like I had lots of energy, even though it was a terrible night of non-sleep. I think I was excited because this is the ONLY day I don’t have something else to do (Wednesday is SKYPE-ing and a visit to Triple “A”, Thursday is quilting and a pick up rehearsal, Friday is blood work and a play performance, and Sat and Sun are also play performance days). I got a load of laundry in, and made up a gallon of homemade ‘’Best Press’’ before heading down to my studio.
Janice and I continued to do a little cleaning and organizing…I really need her to come for a month…but I guess I’ll have to settle for small improvements every time she comes :~).
She and Dennis left around 1 PM (and Janice decided to show her real feelings about leaving):

and Michael and I spent some lovely time out on the lanair….as it was extremely comfortable.
Eventually I made my way downstairs to load up another customer quilt:

After that, I went to put away my fabric from Corinne’s and was kicking myself that I didn’t take a before picture of my metal shelves and also the one set of wooden ones…Janice did a FABULOUS job and I now smile EVERY SINGLE TIME I walk into my fabric closet! Here’s what they look like. Trust me…my metal shelves were bulging with all kinds of stuff, that Janice has now organized and found places for. :

-all of my pre-cuts (check them out Laura) and also bundles of fabric I have put together for various projects:

-storage for my fleece

-my basket for men's fabric (which, after I added what I bought at Corinne's, let me know that I do NOT need any men's fabric for a long.....long....while!)

Michael took Cookie for a walk in the afternoon...this is what Cookie looks like after she hears the word ''walk''...and she won't let Michael out of her sight until they leave:

Michael left a little before 6 PM for the movies, and I got a bit of quilting done:

before heading upstairs for popcorn and some knitting.
*** "At my age 'getting lucky' means walking into a room and remembering what I came in for." ***
Michael, Deb may have used it before but at this age who remembers? As it is so true. Janice looks like a spoiled kid who didn't get her way.😀
guess you forgot you have used that funny a couple of times!