We were up at o’dark hundred Tuesday morning (10/31) and it was definitely dark as a storm is moving in. We had to get all of the bedding off of our bed so that Josh could break it down and move it to the guest bedroom:

So, that’s step 2 of 4 for the new bed (step 1 was getting rid of old queen bed in the guest room…step 3 is the new frame….coming on Thursday, and step 4 is the new mattress, coming on Friday.)
Michael headed out for a haircut...and our stylist was dressed as a devil (the tiny one in the middle):

which was not a stretch AT ALL for her :~).
The rest of the day was pretty down for me….I had awakened at 3 AM and sneezed about 7 times…and then my nose started to run and run and run….They were around our neighborhood today working on the leaves…and I guess that pollen/dust/whatever is not something my body tolerates very well. I did a little desultory sewing on the QoV on my design wall…and that’s about it! It was another long evening for Michael at rehearsal.
On Wednesday (11/1), a group of us:
-Pam, Loree, Diane & me

headed out to SEW MUCH FUN for fabric shopping. BG and I hope to do a 3 dimensional looking quilt, and we need 5 shades in our colorway to make it work. I knew that the best hope I had of finding that was at SMF. I should have kept all of the fabric choices I tried, because there were at least a dozen:

until I arrived at this:

This will be for the second quilt I made for the new bed :~). It was Diane’s first time at SMF, and I think she enjoyed herself and got some new fabric. And, we told her she had to use the bathroom as there are always some excellent ''funnies'' in there:

We ate at Schlotzsky's afterwards…

I haven’t been there in YEARS…and it was yummy!!! They now carry CINNABONS, and I brought home 2 for Michael and me to have for breakfast on Thursday. I got home after 2 PM and immediately grabbed the IPAD to SKYPE with Janice until 4. Then it was returning texts, and phone calls and a bit of talking with my honey before it was dinner and he was out the door to another rehearsal. He didn’t get home until 11:30 PM :~(.
*** Singing in the shower is fine until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera. ***
*** The Black-Eyed Peas can sing us a song but the chick peas can only hummus one. ***
Loved your reflection in the Window while you were taking the picture a Schlotzsky's.
Great blog…your life (and mine) couldn’t be better.
It was a perfect day, in so many ways! Thank you. Xo