I spent a great Monday morning (5/23) with Stephanie…a lovely woman from Tree Tops (a nearby development) who also has an INNOVA longarm. We talked for over 2 hours…all about our machines. She is having a technician come as she is having problems….but as long as he’s up here, I’d love to have him grease my machine. The chandelier quilt I am loading up today will be my 200th quilt on XENA :~).
I just got the backing loaded, before concentrating on a label for Paula’s quilt:

Doesn’t she just come up with the best sayings for a kid going off to college? I had a few problems with the label, but after 3 phone calls to Norm, I finally got it done. I really need to learn my embroidery machine better!
Of course, before I could even get started, I had to do this:

And I had to borrow Paula's thread stand to do it...as somewhere in my house I have mis-placed the tall arm on MY thread stand :~(.
And I did the binding for ‘’blues’’ quilt:

Janice and Dennis showed up before dinner…they are flying out of the Charlotte airport on Tuesday for a vacation out west….and to visit one of their daughters. I made a chicken sausage stir fry for dinner, and we talked the evening away. Since I had extra manpower, I asked Dennis & Michael to hold up the Beds=Dreams quilts to be donated….these have already gone to show and tell at Osceola and United Methodist is having a bed distribution on May 28th....so it is wonderful to finally get these out of the house!:

I have 3 – 4 more quilts to donate that I’ll get pictures of on Thursday.
Mary Jo has finished a beautiful applique wool felt project:

*** I used to be able to do cartwheels. Now I tip over putting on my underwear. ***
*** I hate it when I see an old person and then realize we went to high school together. ***
*** I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes... so she hugged me. ***
I love that you have donated quilts for the beds distribution. What a marvelous gift!