We were at the bank YET AGAIN at 9 AM on Monday morning (12/9) to try to get a deposit straightened out. They swore they would call today….ask me if I believe that :~(.
After that we had a conference call with people from Michael’s blood pressure clinic (his blood pressure has been too high lately and they are monitoring it) and they want to see what happens this week and talk again on Friday.
I finally made it to the studio around NOON to start working on a project I have totally been procrastinating about! I needed to use my serger and have been afraid that it wouldn’t work….so as a result….do I get it out and try it? NO!!! I just procrastinate for weeks until I am down to the wire!!! I got everything pulled together and started to sew…..what a boob I am….everything worked like a dream!
Michael came down in the afternoon to layout the blocks I got done at Hilton Head for a new Beds=Dreams quilt:

while I got 2 of my:

items done and a 3rd all pinned together before collapsing at 7 PM with some dinner and TV.
I got up on Tuesday morning (12/10) determined to finish my ‘’procrastinated project’’ and by NOON I was done. I dropped everything off at sweet, sweet Pam’s house, who volunteered to wrap everything (thank goodness as I am a TERRIBLE wrapper) and then did a few other errands before heading home.
Since I had my serger out…I figured it was the perfect time to finally sew up some pillow cases that I cut out months ago, to go with my completed Beds=Dreams quilt:

What a relief to finally not have those fabric pieces hanging on the back of one of my basement chairs….as they have been for months! I worked after that on cutting down some leftover fabric into usable pieces before Michael left for the movies.
I headed upstairs to have a bit of ice cream and knit….only to find out that our freezer has died :~(. We have had SO MANY unexpected expenses in the last several months…this is one more blow we really don’t need :~(. My neighbors came down to check it out, and I hit Michael with the bad news when he got home after 10 PM. We re-set the switch and hoped for the best overnight.
I checked the freezer first thing Wednesday morning (12/11) and it was still dead
:~(, so after Michael re-set the GFI once again (not sure what is tripping that) and rechecked all of the outlets….we headed off to LOWE’s first thing. The bad news is….they don’t make small freezers like the one we have. The other bad thing is that I don’t feed the neighborhood nearly as much as I used to (my 2 bachelor neighbors have gone to that big Sun City in the sky, and I am not longer a member of Volunteers…when I always had casseroles in my freezer to give out to someone who was ill or had had surgery), so I’m going to have lots and lots of extra room. Actually, that is good news for the party I am planning for next year…where I need to make and freeze things in advance.
We were home by 10:30 AM and I started to sort through my stash. When we were at the chiro on Tuesday, I overheard one of the other customers say something about ‘’dialysis’’. I talked privately with the assistant who moves us from machine to machine and asked if she could find out the woman’s favorite color. Low and behold, by the time we left 15 minutes later, I had a sticky note that said ‘’lavender/purple’’…perfect!!! So, I’m gonna work on a quilt for the assistent to ‘’gift’’ to her…..sweet that it’s such a wonderful color…only TEAL could be better :~). And this is how UFO's are made....I'm dropping everything else I have started...to work on this new one!!!
By the time I pulled out everything, it was time to leave to get my hair done. I stopped at PUBLIX on the way home to order a cake for Loree for tomorrow, then SKYPE’d with Janice until after 3:30 PM, when Pam came by for help with her phone. We worked for over an hour, but I could not find the permissions on her phone to help move pictures from her phone to her computer :~(. She’s going to try to connect with people from her computer group to get more help.
I finished up pulling all of the pieces I need for the new dialysis quilt:

and am going to put them in this order for the stitchout:

I headed to PUBLIX to pick up the cake on Thursday morning (12/12):

I got a chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting, and Pam got a luscious looking white cake with fruit:

then I headed to quilting.
It was our annual Christmas party….but first, we had our going away ‘’shower’’ for Loree. When we found out Loree was leaving, we sprang into action and asked her daughter what we could get her, as we wanted to be sensitive to the fact that she would be downsizing. Mary Jo (Loree’s daughter) suggested replacing her kitchen towels/bathroom towels and bed sheets, and sent us a color guide for what to buy. I also told people that if they wanted to make an 8-/1/2’’ quilt block, with signatures, I would turn them into hot pads….that was the secret project from a few days ago:

-this was the back on all of the pot holders...

I think Loree loved everything that was given and we will certainly miss her next year.

After that we started eating:
and then played the ‘’dirty Santa’’ game…where you open and/or steal gifts from someone else.

It was a lot of fun, as was the left/right/center game played with blue/yellow/background fat quarters after that. I missed the game because at quarter to NOON, LOWE’s texted to say they were on the way with the new freezer!!!! I ran out of quilting….and you never saw 2 people (me and Michael) move so fast in all of our lives….emptying the old freezer (keeping anything with ice crystals and discarding the rest) and re-packing the new freezer. I think we looked like an old-timey speeded up movie! We were both exhausted after that whirlwind, although MIchael got out the broom and swept out the entire garage.
After that we just vegged in the TV room for about an hour. After that I headed downstairs to work a bit in the studio, while Michael was doing stuff upstairs. We eventually headed up to the golf course to hand out food gifts to the inside and outside crew, before a dinner of potstickers and vegging for the rest of the night.
And 10 years ago....
*** I sew…..so I don’t choke people!!! Save a life….send fabric! ***
*** I know why they call me a grown-up.....because I groan when I get up!! ***
I liked the quilt, Michael was
arranging on the design wall.
I’m sure your go to miss Loree, she is a very recurring mention on the blog
The shower idea was great too.