Current COVID related deaths: 637,439
COVID deaths yesterday: 637,161
Michael did not leave for golf until 10:30 AM on Saturday (8/14). While I am grateful he had time to make me an egg/cheese/toast before leaving, I hate these late tee times when it is this hot. He just gets too tired…luckily he is only going to play 9 again today. I kicked off a label for my Bento Box quilt:

and also fired up XENA to work on quilting one of mine. When my label was done, I headed upstairs and put together lemons and ginger for an anti-inflammatory drink, and while it was boiling I got the binding sewn on one side of my Bento Box:

Check out the size of this piece of ginger!! When Loree, Paula and I were coming home from lunch, Paula needed to stop in at Food I asked her to pick me up a piece of ginger...this is the largest piece I have even seen...I tried to get my hand in the picture for scale:

I had a nice chat with Janice too…I was really struggling with cutting up my reclaimed Bento fabric into something I might use for scrap quilts. I need to face the fact that I don’t like scrap quilts….and I don’t make nice looking ones….well, except for a few that I do with a particular theme….like 4 patch frenzy rainbow and the like. So, the next time Janice and I get together…..I’m going to have her look over what I’ve been cutting to see if she wants it :~).
And I have a new plan for cutting up my leftovers :~).
My honey was home by 2 PM….the foursome sat in air conditioned comfort for an hour after playing 9 holes and he was still beat…can you say WAY TOO HOT!!! I headed back downstairs to press my binding and do a bit of quilting…but wouldn’t you know it…the minute I got downstairs, I heard the thunder…and XENA does not get plugged in during thunderstorms…so instead I cut up some leftover fabric into strips for string quilting.
We decided on sandwiches from ZAXBY’s for dinner, and as it was date night….we watched ‘’our show’’ and of the 3 episodes we watched…it included Lionel & Jean getting married….sigh.
*** I miss the 90’s when bread was still good for you, and no one knew what kale was. ***
**** Next time someone hands you lemons....hand them back! You deserve chocolate. ***
That is a lot of ginger ! You probably know, but you can freeze ginger if needed.
So, what's your plan for cutting up leftovers ?!