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BG & Leila custom tennis shoes, Pat Christmas quilt, In the kitchen with Michael & Deb, Cookies with Iris

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

We headed out after 8 AM on Friday (11/1) for a chiro appointment and after a quick stop at ALDI’s, we were home around NOON.  I spent time getting a blog entry out before packing up Freya for her first trip to the groomers.  We weren’t sure how she would do….given how shy she is around strangers, but when we picked her up at 4:30, Josh (one of the groomers at PETCO) said she was great and didn’t cause them any problems at all.  He too called her a sweet, sweet puppy! While she was gone, Michael dragged all of the bedding out of her crate…no sense having a perfectly clean dog and having her sleep in smelly/unwashed bedding :~).

What with one thing and another…I didn’t get around to starting my bread baking until almost 4 PM:

which meant we were driving around in the dark, handing out 2 half loaves to 2 new people!  They didn’t seem to mind….as a matter of fact, Saturday morning I got a pic of one of the recipients of their breakfast: 

Yep, French toast! 

We had salads for dinner and watched TV and headed to bed very early as both of us were tired.

AND....color me JEALOUS!!!!! BG and Leila took a class in Colchester (CT) last's what they made....I SO WISH I had been there....

Are those the coolest things you've ever seen or what?!!?!?


Michael left for golf around 8:30 Saturday morning (11/2), while I tried to get all of my chores done before Pat showed up at 10.  She came to quilt her Christmas quilt: 

You remember…the one she sucked 3 others of us into doing at QUAP next year!!!  I think she picked the perfect thread color and pattern: 

You know, over 2 years ago we had the basement flooring re-done and everything painted.  The painters moved everything…and it got put back willy-nilly.  I had managed to clean about 85% of stuff and get it back where it belonged…but there was still one corner in my sewing closet that was just a pile of who-knows-what!  I decided while Pat was working on her quilt, I would drag everything in that small corner out and put it on the pool table, with the intent of finally getting it organized.  Who would believe that one small corner could contain all of this stuff: 

I felt defeated just looking at it!  Some will be easy to go through and decide where it should go (like the 2 tablecloths I used to use when I did craft fairs down here in SC.  Those were definitely in the donate pile…and guess what?  They got donated to Pat’s house :~).  It’s going to be slow going through some of it, luckily Janice will be here in a little over a week and she is good and ruthless about helping me to get rid of stuff…I can’t wait!

Pat and I finally finished up the quilting around 3:30 PM and as she headed home, Michael and I headed out to the lanair….once again to bask in beautiful weather and scenery.  We talked about how, even though our days may seem boring to others, we are very content to live like this (hopefully) for a long, long time!


Ahhh….my favorite day of the year!  Actually, the longest day of the year too, containing 25 hours…it seems to stretch out forever and almost never end…and that’s wonderful.  We were both up early on Sunday (11/3)…Michael made an omelet for breakfast and I put together cookie dough that needed to chill for several hours.

It was a day in the kitchen for me…first up?  Another installment of IN THE KITCHEN WITH MICHAEL & DEB…..Cinnamon Star Bread was on the menu: 

I still remember the first time I made this….with BG when I was visiting Connecticut.  I haven’t made it in a loo-o-o-ong time, and Michael eagerly jumped on board when I suggested it.  He put together the whole thing (although I think he thought it would be much easier…..maybe he’ll start appreciating my baking even more?) 

Anyway, it turned out super looking and tasted awesome! 

I morphed from that into COOKIES with IRIS…we had 2 different kinds….rugelah (yes, I shape it much differently than the traditional crescents!)

and the toffee cookies that tasted excellent, but spread EVERYWHERE!  Gotta find a different recipe for those. 

By the time the kitchen was semi-cleaned up, it was 7 PM and I was POOPED!  We vegged in front of the TV and watched 2 more episodes of RIDLEY (PBS) and then an episode of THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW.

And 10 years ago....

*** You gotta love daylight savings time….there’s nothing like watching the sunset while you’re eating lunch. ***

*** Don't forget to set your clocks back from sunshine and happiness, to misery and dispair this weekend. ***

*** I love turning the clocks back so it gets dark by 4 PM....said NO ONE EVER!! ***

*** When....the....moon hits your eye like it's's....NOVEMBER! ***



Nov 04, 2024

Fantastic sneakers!!!!!! Love the xmas quilt too! I had a great teacher for the cinnamon star bread!!!


Nov 04, 2024

I love the sneakers, maybe we could all enroll in the online class and BG can lead us through it at QUAP,

I also love Pat’s Christmas quilt, I will try and make one too.

O and the cinnamon Star bread looks so good, we’re taking a road trip on Thursday to a quilt show, maybe I’ll make one to bring for the ride😀


Nov 04, 2024

The sneakers look FANTASTIC, Ladies!!! Looks like a tremendous amount of work though....

And lovely finish to Christmas quilt, Pat. So glad I hopped on that bandwagon to get that kit too.

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