Michael had a very late tee time on Monday (5/16) so he headed out in the morning to PUBLIX and LOWE’s before settling in for ‘’brunch’’! I got sucked into the James Garner autobiography that he just finished, so didn’t make it downstairs until after 10 AM.
I finished cleaning up my quilt and got it trimmed and on the to-be-bound pile:

and decided to treat myself to a little sewing on the blue quilt:

I also got 2 labels done for the men's quilts:

That took up my afternoon until I headed upstairs to shower and change for dinner at the golf club.
Michael had been playing in a memorial tournament for one of the guys that always went to Pinehurst with the group, but died last year. The wives joined the guys for dinner:

I had a Caesar salad with no croutons and grilled chicken for dinner and it was delightful. We were home by 7:30 and just read until 9 PM when we headed outside to see the ISS fly overhead.
It was BG's birthday last week and my honey drew a special card, just for her...

*** Instead of cleaning the house, I just watch an episode of Hoarders and think, ‘’well…my house looks great!’’
Blue quilt looks great !
Thanks for the cleaning tip!