My honey welcomed me home with a lovely breakfast of egg/cheese/toast, and a special surprise of deli, thick-cut bacon on Sunday morning (11/13):

We enjoyed our breakfast together before he and Cookie left for a walk, while I headed downstairs. I got a bunch of emails cleared out before dropping back to finishing…and I have a lot of it. I have 2 quilt tops on my design wall, plus 2 more quilt tops from retreat that all need borders, so that will be my focus for a bit.
I started with the 5th ‘’blues’’ quilt, which will now just be getting a series of blue borders to finish it off. I got the first one applied:

then worked on a small white border (as June thought the 3 blue borders in a row would be too busy):

I would have had XENA continuing to quilt on my customer quilt, but I’m very disappointed to say that the thread I ordered and paid for LAST Saturday (November 5th) has still not arrived from Greenville, SC. I am worried that I will run out of thread during a row…and I don’t want to do that without having more thread to load up….so that will have to wait until the thread arrives.
My honey took off in the afternoon for some errands (CVS, Harris Teeter, LOWE’s), and I continued to put on borders:

And at one point I just barely lost at border chicken:

While I was working away in the afternoon, my baby Lucy was back atop the towering pile of quilts:

I think June was absolutely right about putting a small white border in between the blues….and by 8 PM, it was all finished:

I love how it turned out! I can hardly wait to get all 5 quilted so that I can take them in to Thursday quilting for show and tell.
I headed upstairs after that for dinner (leftover chicken noodle skillet) and a bit of TV watching (napping?) for the rest of the night.
*** I have my very own built in alarm clock….it’s called a bladder and it doesn’t have a snooze button. ***
Borders really make it pop!
👍👍to June, I love the white borders