My honey had a super early tee time on Saturday (5/21), so I hopped up and made him a breakfast sandwich:

I spent a bunch of time reading in the morning before finally making it to my studio to load up Paula’s quilt:

Michael warned me before he left that thunder storms were predicted for this afternoon…and I don’t leave XENA plugged in when that happens…so I wanted to get a jump on quilting. Thunder rolled in around 2 PM and I shut down everything very quickly :~(.
That’s when I started back to work on ‘’blues’’…I got all of the top half blocks into rows:

then sewed the rows together:

and finally put the 2 halves together and added the remaining corners:

I’m going to put a 3’’ finished border of white on this, then bind it in the darkest blue…I can’t wait for it to be totally finished....I am still so in love with it!
Janice has started her next scrap quilt…..a 64 patch….look at all of those teeny, tiny squares:

I got a later picture where she's made a couple more....all from scraps people have donated to her....the trick is the way she puts them all together into really pretty blocks!:

Michael headed out for a walk Sunday morning (5/22) and I got his yoghurt (which had been ''steeping'' overnight in the crockpot) put into containers and into the fridge:

Then I hit the studio, determined to finish up Paula’s quilt now that the weather looked a bit better. I worked on that and it was finished before I left for my massage in the afternoon:

This is the same quilting pattern that we bought to put on Doug's quilt (Paula's hubby)....I really like it and need to use it more often.
My massage was heaven!!! I’ve never had a bad massage across the street…..but I LOVE Brianna…she is the best! I hit ALDI’s on the way home, and then settled in to work on the borders for ‘’blue’’, as Michael was occupied watching the last round of PGA golf. I got those done:

with my faithful companion...still climbing up now on FOUR piled up quilts:

I was watching a NETFLIX movie called HAMSTEAD…..WHAT A TERRIFIC movie!!!!! Give it a try…I really loved it! A great story....and no violence, no sex and no swearing!!! And I got a new backing partially loaded on XENA:

And here we have another fabulous card my honey drew for another friend:

***I’m a leader….not a follower. Unless it’s a dark place…then you’re going first. ***
*** I'm now on two diets. I wasn't getting enough food on one. ***
Nice blocks Janice !
Brings back memories of a late night walk in VERMONT...
***I’m a leader….not a follower. Unless it’s a dark place…then you’re going first. ***
The picture of the red 64 patch makes it look like 2 in squares, but the second picture gives you the real idea
Really like your “blue” quilt.
You are a very busy lady!