Negativity is contagious.
Unhappiness is contagious.
Fear is contagious.
But so is happiness….so is optimism….so is love. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. And strive to be a reflection of what you want to receive.
Dr Patton (Authentic Leadership)
I slept in until 7 AM on Sunday (10/23)…YAY!!!
Michael took Cookie for a walk in the morning, while I had a nice, long talk with Mary Lee. I eventually made my way downstairs to start loading up and basting my second blue/white quilt:

I LOVE this one! It was a new pattern for me and I love the on-point blocks. I had the program set up before it was time to leave for The Lodge, and a great cover band doing Billy Joel:

I didn't do the entire song because Michael told me that sometimes my videos are a bit too long....of course he's probably referring to the ones of XENA stitching out....or my embroidery machine doing its thing :~).
We stopped at HABIT BURGER on the way home to pick up dinner…and after eating we headed to the kitchen for a little work. Joann (across the street neighbor) gave Michael 3 of the cutest little eggplants from her garden, and Michael finally had time to get them baked:

He said they were good:

but needed a bit more salt.
*** Hip…Hip…Hooray! Halloween is here!
It’s not the ghoulies and monsters I fear…
It’s the 10 pounds of candy that will go to my rear! ***
Thanks for taking me to a great concert….not quite the rock and roll hall …but very good!