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Bread, homemade puffy things, totally finished quilt - purple

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

I spent Saturday morning (1/4) in the kitchen, making regular bread:

and cinnamon bread: 

I have not made Michael cinnamon bread in FOREVER….and wanted to have it for a surprise for him when he got home from his Mustang rally!  He was home around 1:30 PM and cut off a big hunk:

before he came downstairs to see me. 

I also spent time in the morning counting up my longarm $$$ for the year.  That money pays for any fabric I buy, or retreats I go on, but in January I count up what is left and fund a bunch of projects at Clinton School (a Title I school) in Lancaster.  It is always very satisfying to know that that is what I am working towards when I am quilting my customer quilts!!!  I got to fulfill quite a few requests from that school, which will make me very happy for quite awhile :~). 

I spent the rest of the day sewing all of my columns together for my Beds=Dreams quilt.  Once I was done, and got the seams all pressed, I hung it over the longarm rail and proceeded to measure it....OH NO!!!! Mary Jo - it was the dining room heart wall hanging all over again!!! I totally screwed up.....Beds=Dreams quilts are supposed to be 70ish by wonder it looked so big on the design measured 90'' by 108''!!!!!!! So, while we were watching TV, I ripped off 2 rows....guess I'll have a second quilt eventually :~).

We got out the rough puff for dinner and made savory jelly rolls: 


-bread crumbs

-parmesan cheese

They were incredible….the dough was so crispy and light…and shattered when you bit into it…just like good puff pastry should!  And look at those layers:

considering that I rolled it out to about an eighth of an inch thick, and it puffed to at least half an inch….I think that’s excellent! 


I think this might have been Sunday morning....but it has gotten colder since!!!

I spent Sunday morning (1/5) with Hazel, another member of Machine Embroidery.  Our challenge for this month is to embroider on fleece and she and I were talking about it at the December Christmas party.  She has never ‘’floated’’ any of her embroideries and seemed very hesitant about how it would work.  I used to embroider fleece baby blankets a LOT back in the day when I was doing craft fairs….and like many things….it’s very easy….ONCE SOMEOME SHOWS YOU HOW TO DO IT!!!  We talked about how to do it a lot at the party....but she still seemed hesitant, so I texted her yesterday to tell her I was doing mine today, and asked if she wanted to come over and see how it was done.  We had a good time together and I was glad to get to know her a tiny bit better as well  :~). 

After she left I got the embroidery mostly cleaned up:

then re-measured my Beds=Dreams bug quilt…and this time….SUCCESS…it’s 72’’ by 90’’. 

I got that labeled and put away, and set up to bind the purple quilt (which remember, I need for Tuesday).  I got through putting binding on the back side:

by the time I stopped for fish sandwiches from ARBY’s for dinner.  They always start them in January…and we love them!



Of course Michael had gas housers with the fresh bread on Monday morning (1/6):

and I was back at my sewing machine for binding on the right side, and by early afternoon,  it was all done…. for my first TOTALLY FINISHED QUILT for 2025: 

I started in on binding for another quilt:

while Michael joined me to continue to write-up our year end missive for 2024.  Why yes, we ARE dreadfully behind with our missive and Christmas cards….but it is what it is!

And 10 years ago.....

*** Hmmm…I found a strange piece of plastic on the floor that looks like it broke off of something, but I have no idea what….so I’d better save it in the junk drawer until I die. ***

*** I don’t know why men go to bars to meet women…...GO TO HOBBY LOBBY!!  The female to male ratio is 10 to 1 AND they’re already looking for things they don’t need. ***



I love your new purple quilt - what a lovely gift! And your bread looks wonderful - especially that cinnamon bread!


The savory jelly rolls look fabulous! I love your new 2025 quilt!

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