I was up at 5 AM on Saturday (10/22) as I just couldn’t sleep. We were out of sandwich bread, so I got dough made and in the microwave to rise before heading to my computer. Paula is our regular secretary at Scrap Happy Quilters, but she was on retreat this week, so I took the minutes and needed to put them together and get them sent out. We have a lot going on over the next couple of weeks, so that took me a bit of time to get done.
After that I continued to cut my ‘’Cleveland’’ fabric into sizes needed for a potato chip quilt:

We have a 2 day retreat (Wednesday & Thursday) this week at Scrap Happy and in addition to getting some bindings made, I will be working on that quilt. By then it was time to shape my dough for its second rise, so I headed back upstairs to greet my honey and get the dough into pans. Michael left for a walk with Cookie and by the time he came home…this was ready:

He took half a hot loaf over to a neighbor who had surgery on Thursday, before making breakfast for me:

and then himself:

Always gas housers when the bread is fresh.....YUM!!! The house smelled heavenly all morning!
Michael spent a lot of time during the day, working on a Halloween card to send to AJ....isn't it fabulous? Make sure you notice the 3-D element inside)

and Anne came by for a nice long talk in the afternoon:

and got a taste of the new cake as well:

As Anne left, she snapped a picture of probably our last rose of the season:

I worked on quilting all afternoon, and by the time I headed upstairs for dinner…the quilting was done on the first blue/white quilt:

Okay…this is the epitome of why I am a floozie…I am a bit disappointed that on my new blog, there is no place to write a small autobiography about yourself (is there BG?)….you know…to explain the title of my blog (FOOD AND FIBER FLOOZIE). On my old blog platform, I had this: ‘’I am a 60 something Yankee, now blissfully retired in South Carolina. My husband spends his time golfing and painting and drawing, while I love all crafts and lots of baking. I sell most of my crafts to raise money for various charities, and my food goes out to lots of my neighbors and friends. Why am I a floozie? Because I am so easily seduced by the next new recipe and/or the next new and shiny yarn or fabric or pattern that I see. It's always fun to try something new!’’ So, I have at least 40 pictures saved of ‘’potential quilts to make’’….of course that doesn’t include at least a dozen patterns I’ve bought and haven’t made yet….but I saw a picture this morning on FB and I was so intrigued that I’m sure I’m going to cut some fabric for it in the next day or 3….. So easily seduced by a pretty picture :~)…also known as SQUIRREL!!!!!
OMgosh….I have to tell you something else that's funny….you know I asked the question in yesterday’s blog about whether or not the blue/white quilts looked blah? Well, one of my friends texted me and said ‘’blue quilts look fine…everything doesn’t have to be a rainbow’’…I burst out laughing when I read it…she certainly nailed me! Too funny!!! I made these blue/white quilts for some more mannish looking quilts…..since she’s totally right….don’t know many (any?) men that would go gaga over rainbow quilts….hope the blue/white works as I think I have FIVE blue/white tops done!
OK – how’s this for an excuse to drink champagne? I’m trying to clean out the freezer in the garage…and we found 2 containers of frozen berries out there…and what do we use frozen berries for? Yep, as ‘’ice cubes’’ in our champagne:

So, it was champagne and puffy things for the win:

*** At any given moment, the urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is just
a whim away....A whim away... A whim away. ***
I'm not sure..i'll have to look at mine.
Why do they call it a potato chip quilt
That was just a “token” joke about the lion, right?