Current COVID related deaths: 629,064
COVID deaths 3 days ago: 627,351
Michael left for golf on Wednesday (7/28) and I managed to get my blog out before SKYPE-ing with Janice. She is working on the fish blocks from Bonnie Hunter and her design wall looked FABULOUS!!! My Cookie baby snuggled up in her bed in the kitchen while I was SKYPE-ing:

I had breakfast after that and my honey came home right as I was finishing up. They only got to play 9 holes today…so he has the whole afternoon to goof off :~).
All 3 of us headed to the studio

and I just couldn’t quite face the customer quilt….so I got the second border on my Bento Box quilt:

It's done now....I just need to make a backing that will fit it!
We had leftover Chinese for dinner…..when we get food from Tien Tien it’s always a 3 night feast!
*** And to ‘hathawayrips’ (sorry I don’t know who you are)…thx….you should stay tuned for the baking tour this year….lots of goodies to be shared then! ***
Paula picked me up at 9 AM on Thursday (7/29) and after a quick stop at WENDY’s (breakfast burrito for me!) we headed to Scrap Happy Quilting. It was truly terrific to see everyone:
-Paula was so sweet and trimmed both of my customer quilts for me:

and they certainly made me feel welcomed back! I took knitting and worked on it just a bit in between talking with everyone. As usual, there was beautiful show and tell:

I was home around 1 PM, took a quick nap, and read the rest of the afternoon. We finished up the last of the Chinese for dinner and I ripped out the basting on a customer quilt while watching TV.
Friday morning (7/30) I was up and out early for a meeting with the shoulder doc. I REALLY like this guy….so if you have to have a shoulder replacement, or rotator cuff repair, consider Dr. O’Neal…his office is right in Ballentyne and he does surgery at CMC Pineville. He was super pleased with how I am progressing and said I was ‘perfect’ for 7 weeks out. He answered all of my questions and we shared a laugh over some small thing…it was a nice meeting. Then it was off to PT, where they are definitely stepping up my exercises. They are still NOTHING compared to when I had a frozen shoulder, but my arm was definitely aching on the way home. I knew Michael was going out to breakfast with his men’s group, so I picked up a new library book (seems like our little library dog statue has outerwear for every occasion):

and headed into Waxhaw. Pizza Hut’s personal pan pepperoni pizza is my favorite, so I picked one up, found a shady spot and read my book while having lunch….perfect! Of course, the bad thing is that when I got home, I couldn’t put my book down! Janice and I are working our way through Kristen Higgins books and Janice….you have to read this one if you haven’t already….ON SECOND THOUGHT! I finished 2 others over the last week or so, A MAN CALLED OVE and another Kristen Higgins: LIFE AND OTHER INCONVENIENCES. I would recommend all 3 of these books for everyone! We had salads for dinner before relaxing with TV.
And I stitched out a get well card for my friend...I think she's received it by now, so I am posting a pic:

*** Shout out to everyone who can still remember their childhood phone number, but can’t remember the password you created yesterday. You are my people! ***
*** I was drinking a margarita and the waitress screamed ‘’does anyone know CPR?’’ I yelled ‘’I know the entire alphabet’’ and we all laughed and laughed….well, except for one guy… ***
*** Isn’t it weird that we have one hand that knows how to do everything…and then one hand that just sits there like ‘’I don’t know how to hold a pencil’’. ***
Your quilting buddies at the Church do wonderful things!