We both hopped up early Wednesday morning (3/15). I made an English muffin breakfast sandwich for my honey to take along while golfing in the tournament here at SCCL, and I got through all of my emails before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM. Is anyone else still being affected by the time change? I find it takes us a full week to get back to normal…..without an alarm, I’m still getting up between 7:30 and 8 AM, when I normally get up between 6:30 and 7 AM.
After SKYPE-ing with Janice, I headed across the road for a massage…heaven! And stopped at PANERA for brunch on my way home. I read and ate my food, and finally went back to my project in the kitchen.
About 99.9% of the time, if I want to cook or bake something new, I go to PINTEREST and type in what I’m looking for, then combine ingredients from several recipes to get what I want….so why do I have all of these shelves of cookbooks in my kitchen? Granted, I still like to sit down and read through my cookbooks sometimes, but it is becoming more and more infrequent. In the meantime, I have appliances out in the garage that my honey has to drag into the kitchen for me whenever I want to use them…so I decided to do a bit of work on the cookbook shelves. I had a bunch of magazines (with a few books thrown in) that I thought I could get rid of…..so I looked at this pile:

and this pile:

and went through them all. The ones I am keeping are back on the bottom shelf (many, many less than used to be there):

while my rice cooker now fits on the shelf with my mixer:

and I’m getting rid of these:

I also expanded the recipe files I use over and over again from 2 VERY HEAVY 3-ring binders into 3 LABELED 3-ring binders:

Don't kid yourself though....I still have many, many more cookbooks to go through and decide to keep or give away...
When I was finally finished, I headed to the studio. I was only there about 20 minutes when my honey came home….frozen…at 4 PM. He said although he had fun with his group and they laughed a lot, it was cold all day long and he didn’t golf very well. He had to content himself with the fact that he has won his flight at golf for the previous 2 Wednesdays.
I got the:

loaded up on XENA and basted, and set up the program and got my bobbins wound before shutting down for the night. I’ve learned not to start something to be longarmmed when I am tired.
*** Laughter is the best medicine. Or maybe it’s tequila? Definitely tequila. ***
Looks great ! And you'll love the ricer close by ..
I think you are on to so there, I rarely use my cookbooks anymor, except for something from The family cookbooks. I could certainly use the space for something else,
instead of storing it on some shelf above my head.
thanks for the idea
Thank you for the magazines! With my back pain, they were the perfect “addition” to my afternoon rest. And with my sleeping partner…his name is Mr. Heating Pad. Xo