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COVID! and the shrug!

My honey was an absolute SUPERMAN on Friday (9/6).  I woke up Friday with a stuffy nose…..we both had an appointment with our opthamologist, and those are really hard to get, so we masked up and headed out at 9 AM.  We got through the appointment, then stopped at BJ’s.  We let our renewal lapse as it was $50 - $60, so they sent us a coupon for a $20 renewal…..score!  Michael went in to take care of it and scored a bag of chocolate chips and a case of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup (a great purchase as it turned out).  After that we headed to the T- Mobile store.  I will sum up a long and drawn out story by saying we were there for an hour and a half and I was feeling worse by the moment,  and didn’t finish what we needed to do before finally heading home in horrific traffic.  I was feeling worse and worse…and we needed to go home anyway so that I could lift the ‘’freeze’’ on our credit so that they could run a credit report.  That is never a fun process as I only do it once every 3 – 4 years….and they have always changed how it is done during that time!!! 

Anyway, I was finally done by 3 PM, and Michael alone headed back to the phone store, while I sat on the lanair feeling worse and worse.  I don’t understand how a person can go from no symptoms to ‘’death warmed over’’ in less than 12 hours!  Anyway, my honey (whose day started at 8 AM remember when he got up) did not get home until after 7 PM!!!!  I do not know where he found the energy/strength to keep going....AND, he brought home dinner!!!! 

I was just sitting on the lanair, feeling miserable.  I slept out there that night, and stayed there in the morning while Michael went golfing on Saturday.  When he came home, he asked me to take a COVID test…what a silly ninny I am…never occurred to me…I assumed a cold.  Guess what….POSITIVE  :~(.



Sunday (9/8) was more of the same….me sitting on a couch somewhere, Michael masked up and heading to the theatre (driving a friend who had had surgery).  I cancelled everything on my calendar until Saturday night when we have another set of theatre tix (September is a very theatre heavy month).  We’ll see how I test at the end of the week.  Michael’s sister and brother-in-law are scheduled to arrive this coming Thursday….we’ve told them we’re in a plague house :~(, and are letting them decide what they want to do.

Oh, and that case of soup? Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (the original) is the only thing I ever want to eat when I have cold-like symptoms...and that's pretty much all I am eating!

And finally.....the twice knitted, forever-in-the-making.....shrug!!! Which has already warmed 2 people!!

It totally covers my upper back...which is where I get cold....and around my neck...I LOVE it!!!!


And 10 years ago:





*** It would be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free...and three sizes smaller. ***

94 views4 comments


Hoping you are on the mend by now. Does Michael have it yet?

(The shrug is extremely flattering!)


Sep 09

Love the shrug, sorry you have the big C


Sep 09

PLEASE feel better my honey!!!!!!


Sep 09

For having Covid those are great pics of you in your shrug. Did you get the Paxlovid pills?

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