I stayed up WAY TOO LATE Monday night, binge watching the INDIAN DOCTOR, so that meant I slept in Tuesday morning (6/7). I got up and took Cookie out and crawled back into bed…and didn’t wake up until 9!!! I think part of what’s kicking my butt is that I have a scratchy throat…for the second day. I decided I needed to take a COVID test. You know, I have totally changed my mind about these tests. When they were first offered, I didn’t even order them because I didn’t think it mattered if I caught COVID or not….but when I started thinking about protecting other people instead…then I ordered them. Janice and Dennis are coming in tonight on their way home, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow (to talk about my knee) and then quilting on Thursday. It was important to me to make sure I didn’t have COVID to protect those 3 sets of people, so I took a test and fortunately, it was NEGATIVE!! The throat still make me feel pretty punky, so I basically read and napped until 2 PM-ish when I told myself I needed to get going!
Getting my blog out was the first order of business, then getting a label made for my customer quilt was second:

I felt just beat after I was done, and basically vegged for the rest of the evening. I think this whatever-it-is, is still kicking my butt!! Janice & Dennis arrived around 10:30 PM, for a quick overnight stay on their way home from their Colorado vacation.
*** OK…I have to share this with my LORD OF THE RINGS fans….there’s a phrase in the books:
‘’Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.”
Well – I just saw a bumper sticker that I have to have:
‘’ Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!. ***