Michael left for golf before 8 AM on Saturday (9/3) and I vegged a bit in the morning and finally finished my library book….OMG!!!!!!!! This book was INCREDIBLE!!!!! You’ve gotta read it….YOU ARE NOT ALONE….by Greer Hendricks….it’s a thriller…..twists and turns…..awesome!!!
Finally I made it downstairs and got bobbins wound and the program set up and kicked off quilting on Sandy’s quilt:

I did have to keep my eye on the quilting, but also managed to get that additional row done for the blues leftovers:

The difference between the sides and the top is still greater than I like it to be (24'' by 36'')….but I have no more HST’s, so I’m gonna go with it....although I may look through some of my discards to see if I could possible make 4 more....we'll see.
After that I decided I’d better get cutting! I have 2 retreats coming up, as well as a trip to Janice’s and I have no where near enough projects cut to get me through. I prefer cutting at home, because the table height is right for me….not generally the case when I am somewhere else. AND, thanks to BG’s gift of an ergonomic cutter:

my shoulder and elbow do not bother me when I do a lot of cutting at once :~).
I was very irritated this year when I wanted a QoV, and didn’t have one handy, so that’s what I decided to work on first. I got 4 patch QoV cut:

and into my project box by the time Michael came home from golf with an 80!! I also got my QoV square in a square cut and into the project box:

We decided we needed to gird ourselves for next week, so we had champagne with dinner (with our typical ''ice cubes'' of frozen raspberries/strawberries...and even a few grapes):

Next week is H_LL week for the play..meaning tech rehearsal starts Sunday night at 6:30 PM, and ends whenever they finally get all of the lighting and technical cues correct. Then you run the entire play Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night…before opening night on Friday. I say ‘’gird ourselves’’ because someone had to drop out of the play….it is a non-speaking role, and I will be taking over that person’s part except for the first Sunday (when I will be attending) and the last Sunday (when I will be home, making food for the cast party!) Fun is!
*** I hate when people ask me what I did yesterday….I don’t remember….I breathed a lot…probably got mad at something…sighed heavily…the list goes on… ***
You have to have someone take pictures or a video of you performing, so your readers get to see you in the production!
Rats! Can't believe you are going to be in the production, and we don't get to see you!!
Good funny!