Current US COVID related deaths: 972,930
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 972,200
I’m sure others feel as helpless as I do about the situation in the Ukraine….all we can do at this point is pray…here is a message from over there:
Being the President of Ukrainian Quilters Association I kindly request the words of support to all the Ukrainian quilters who are facing the threat of war nowadays. Every warm word is kindly appreciated and will be translated for our guild members. We do hope for the better and keep praying for piece in our country.
Michael made his usual omelet on Saturday (2/26) and headed out for golf. I got dog food in the crockpot and then decided it was time to buckle down and get some of my real work done…I am always nervous when I start a quilt for any customer, but especially a brand new customer. That nervousness shows itself as PROCRASTINATION!!! I usually have to give myself a severe talking to, to get going, so Saturday morning it finally kicked in when I told myself I was not allowed to work on anything else until I got the new quilt basted:

Janice/Sandy D….do you recognize grassy creek?
I finished the basting and set up the program…and then realized that I didn’t feel very well. My stomach was upset….so I just sat quietly and watched TV and tried to be calm…it didn’t work….I ended up throwing up several times :~(. (Yes Paula, I almost called you to tell you that you had given me your food poisoning!!!) I had a piece of toast with peanut butter for breakfast, along with my usual tea, so I don’t think it was the food. I don’t know what it was, but I just moved over to one of my chairs and sat very quietly for over an hour until my honey came home. I was feeling better by then, and went back to working on my quilt.
I put in a new needle and kicked off the quilting…or I tried to…but I heard a big clunk and my needle would not go up or down….PANIC TIME!!! Thank goodness Michael was there…between the 2 of us we finally got the needle unstuck and off of the side of the quilt. I figured out that I had put the needle in backwards (unlike regular domestic machines, there is no flat side to tell you that you are inserting the needle correctly). At last, I started quilting:

I got 3 or 4 rows done before quitting for the evening.
We were supposed to get ARBY’s fish sandwiches for dinner….but I thought that was really pushing my luck…so I had chicken noodle soup (from a can….what I always want when I don’t feel well), while Michael finished up the Mexican Chicken Soup.
We watched a movie in the evening….I’ll give you a hint ‘’hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die’’. If you don’t get this reference….you have missed
out :~).
*** If you want to impress me with your car….it had better be a food truck. ***
Recognized Grassy Creek right away!
Glad it sounds like you are feeling better...
It's inconceivable!!!!
Must be a bug. I know two other people who have had those same symptoms in the last couple of weeks. Hope you better soon.