Current COVID related deaths: 646,667
COVID deaths yesterday: 645,058
Michael was up and out before 7:30 AM on Monday (8/23) for golf at Chester. I made a quick trip to the library to return some books, then came home and made Jam Bars:

I headed downstairs and got my blog out by 10 AM, then it was time to head back to Xena. I got my customer quilt loaded and basted:

before Pat showed up for a tiny bit of quilting help, and Kay came by:

just to catch up. They both enjoyed the jam bars…they were yummy!!
My honey got home around 2:30 PM…totally beat from the heat…no birdies today…so birdie streak is over. I was back downstairs by 3 PM and got a little over 1/2 way done with Sandy’s quilt:

I also got a label made for the next quilt I will bind:

We had Michael’s yummy crab salad for dinner, after which Paula and I took a little golf cart ride to deliver some things and check other things out. Michael and I read for a bit in the evening, before watching a little TV before bed.
*** My mind is like my web browser: 15 tabs open….4 of them are frozen…and I’m not sure where the music is coming from. ***