Before I forget, Reg (Loree's hubby) had a mild heart attack and had 3 stents put in during his heart cath. The doctor is very pleased with his progress and he is coming home today (Monday!) Thanks for all of the prayers.
Michael made a quick trip to Panera Sunday morning (8/21) for some breakfast pastries, while I finally got my customer quilt basted:

It’s going to be an interesting week for quilting as thunderstorms are predicted for some portion of each day….so I’m gonna have to work around that. Michael got to SKYPE with Marc and AJ in the morning before settling in to review his lines for the play. I worked all day on the quilt (I love the design my customer picked out):

and by the time Michael got home from rehearsal (with ARBY’s fish & chips….VERY yummy!), I was about 75% of the way done. I also made a start on laying out the blue chandelier blocks I recently finished for my Thursday project:

Sunday night was our date night this week, so Michael made popcorn and we settled in to watch OUR SOULS AT NIGHT (Jane Fonda & Robert Redford on NETFLIX)….it was a relaxing and enjoyable movie.
*** "At age 20, we worry about what others think of us... at age 40, we don't care what they think of us... at age 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all." - Ann Landers ***
The movie was so relaxing my honey fell asleep in the middle--😍