Michael headed out for golf on Saturday morning (3/16) and I headed to the studio to continue working on Sandy’s quilt. I got the bottom part basted before leaving for an electrolysis appointment. I stopped at Amelie’s after that for a chicken salad sandwich, then just had time to eat it before heading around the corner at home (on my bike) to see a QoV presentation for friend Dennis:

When I got home, I just worked on the bed quilt blocks…..BG will be here in 4 weeks….and we are both going to be working on a king sized quilt top….if I don’t have this one done by then….I know I’ll just set it aside and it will be very hard to get back to finishing it, so I really need to have this one done before then. Deciding to put my quarter squares together with like squares means in addition to not having enough focus fabric squares….I also don’t have enough coordinating squares…..when I was mixing up all of my quarter squares with each other, it didn’t matter that I had 6 quarter squares. But now that I am joining each color to itself, 6 quarter squares only equal 1-1/2 blocks…..so I’d need another block of that color…so I am trying to figure out what I am missing. I didn’t get that all done by 7 PM when I quit sewing and joined my honey for dinner and TV.
We haven’t had a big fry-up in quite awhile….so that was on the agenda Sunday morning (3/17)….bacon, potatoes and waffles:

We finished up just in time for one of my knitting students to arrive. She finished the ribbing on her neck and we worked on sewing her sweater together. She left around 1 PM and Michael and I both got cleaned up and changed:

and he headed off to Treehouse Vineyards for his St Patrick's Day murder mystery…and Diane & Mark picked me up 15 minutes later to head off to the same thing! We had a wonderful time…and it was great to see Michael do one of his plays….and DIANE CORRECTLY GUESSED THE MURDERER!!!!!

We went out to Longhorn Steakhouse after that (and I finally saw the Joann’s in Monroe) before finally coming home after 7 PM. Michael and I read until 9, then watched just a bit of TV before bed.
*** Still trying to get my head around the fact that 'Take Out' can mean food, dating, or murder.
Some of my friends exercise every day. Meanwhile I am watching a show I don't like because the remote fell on the floor.
Does the jelly in a donut count as a serving of fruit? (Asking for a friend). ***
Still have a few potatoes left!