You know, I work hard to keep my spirits up and to keep my emotional well being on an even keel....but in the lead up to this election, it is increasingly difficult when every day I seem to wake up to another reason that some people say ''I am not good enough''. I am a woman......I don't have children.....I have tribe has been ridiculed for all of these things. I believe in a person's right to control their own body....just like many Republicans felt they had a right to control their own bodies to get (or more likely NOT get) the COVID vaccine....but apparently they do not allow me the same freedom. Supposedly I am miserable in my own life...and miserable with the choices that I've made (this was definitely news to me), and so I want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.
Supposedly I also have NO STAKE in our nation's future. I am so tired of hearing these new things every day...and believe me....I try my best to stay away from all news/ads/election stuff. I cannot believe the lies that so many people believe in this country...instead of investigating and thinking for themselves. But as someone put it to me seems like people enjoy being ''allowed'' to give in to their hate and prejudice...and that is a sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs these days.
So yes, I agree with the bumper sticker that says ''I will vote for the young, black prosecuter and not the old, orange felon'', who incidentally wouldn't speak the truth if it bit him in the a--!
As always, if you want to be taken off this distribution list...I am happy to do so, just let me know.
My honey was up and out early for golfing on Sunday (10/6), while I putzed around upstairs and did a bit of knitting before heading to the studio. I got Sandy’s quilt all cleaned up….and the first column of my FPF Rainbow sewn and pressed:

before heading out to Waxhaw with Diane and Mark. We went to dinner at Jekyll and Hyde’s:

and our meals were wonderful! I had the chicken with mushroom risotto:

Michael and Diane had the fish and chips:

while Mark had shepard’s pie. We lingered a bit to talk as we haven’t spent much time together lately and it was just a lovely evening.
And, thanks to my friend Leila....I finally got to dress up a little...and NOT wear tennis shoes:

Leila - I LOVE them...thank you so much....alll due to you!!!
Isn’t it glorious sleeping weather? All of the windows are open…..the house is in the low 70’s by the time we wake up and outside it is in the 60’s……just fabulous!
I headed out on Monday morning (10/7) to try out a new chiropractor, giving it one more shot at eliminating this crippling pain in my back…and not getting home until 1:30 PM!
I immediately headed to the studio to load up a new customer quilt:

I got the program set up and bobbins wound, and continued to sew on my rainbow.
Michael and I had tortellinis for dinner and binge watched another 2 episodes of DI RAY, an EXCELLENT PBS series…..only 2 more episodes to go! We're hoping to go back and find season 1 at some point!
More 10 years read....or not!
*** October is my favorite time of year to finally turn the central air off and turn the heat on at 5 AM…then turn it back off at 9 AM to open the windows…then shut the windows at NOON and turn on the central air…then turn it off at 7 PM….then turn… ***
Your shoes look great! Also love your intro. I am just so sick of all of the lies and derogatory remarks. How can anybody believe the lies that spew from that man and his running mate's mouths? It is such a scary time.
Love the new shoes!! And I agree 100% with your intro. I have started sharing and speaking out on Facebook to try to spread the TRUTH, and SQUASH THE LIES, and if anyone wants to block or unfriend me, so be it. Enough is enough.