I was feeling much better on Monday morning (6/12) and so got my customer quilt loaded (a QoV for her hubby):

before stopping for breakfast with my honey:

I headed back to the studio after breakfast, and got a couple of texts from my honey….he is behind on reading the newspaper and was trying to read the comics from yesterday:

I got all of my bobbins wound and the program set up and kicked everything off:

While that was stitching, I sewed together the border for the sunburst quilt, and got it applied.
So, while I’m doing this…I’m watching a taped old AURORA TEAGARDEN mystery on HALLMARK….and the screen goes DARK for the last 15 minutes of the movie!!!!! I have no idea who the murderer is!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I saw a new, simple pattern on PINTEREST recently, and spent quite a bit of time in the afternoon going through my stash:

to try to find a fabric that would look good with this jelly roll:

Unfortunately, I’m not sure I found anything that I have enough fabric for…I found the perfect thing….but I only have half a yard left…and I need at least 2 yards :~(.
I worked all day on the customer quilt, and by the time I went upstairs for a late dinner, my customer quilt was done, cleaned up and off of the frame:

*** I have a new sign for my front door….
The dust bunnies killed my cleaning fairy. Please pardon the mess while I seek a replacement. ***
Oh forgot on my last post maybe a yellowish to gold would work with your jellyroll.
Ethel sure didn't want Michael reading the funnies.
love the quilt design on the QOV !
Great breakfast!