Current US COVID related deaths: 963,371
US COVID deaths as of yesterday: 960,157
Michael headed out to the chiro on Tuesday morning (2/22), while I headed to the studio to start to load up the newest customer quilt. I only got half way done with the back (with this cool fabric that I know Paula also owned from Pineapple fabric):

before I decided I’d better watch some TV as our percentage of taped shows was in the 90’s (and I can’t watch while I’m loading and basting a quilt!) Anyway, I decided I needed to get the bottom half of my ‘’charms on point’’ sewn together….why do things ALWAYS take longer than I think they’re going to? Here's where I started:

But, eventually it was done:

Paula stopped by in the afternoon to get caught up and we ended up taking a long golf cart ride while we were talking. I dropped off that big pile of fabric….a piece of golf fabric to Pat, dog bed stuff and a book at the library, while Paula and I solved all of the problems of the world! Remember I mentioned that the dropped off fabric came out of a box? I have not yet put the box away….so of course it was being investigated by Ethel when I got home:

I managed to just start sewing the top of my quilt together:

when I had a long and delightful phone conversation with Mary Jo....we both commiserated about how hard it is to sometimes get rid of our clutter!!!

arrived for dinner around 6 PM. The CRAB TRUCK was up at the Lake House, and she always tries to come for that. Michael left for the movies, and Connie and I sat in the kitchen, talking until 8:30!!! She headed for home, and since she told us during dinner that it was NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY, I must confess that after she left…I poured myself one! Michael was home around 10 PM and after a little reading we headed to bed.
*** I find it helps me to organize chores into categories:
-things I won’t do now
-things I won’t do later
-things I’ll never do… ***
I actually titled one of my 'to do' lists as 'Things I'll never do'...
Like unpack your suitcase???