Michael took off for a haircut and other errands (chiro, BJ’s, ALDI’s) Tuesday morning (10/4) and he said Lisa (our hairdresser) and Dr Broyles (the chiro) are DYING to know where we’re going on the secret vacation!!! They can’t wait until we get back to hear all about it :~). It’s generated quite a bit of interest with people here in SCCL as well.
I had a ton of paperwork to get through in the morning, so didn’t get the studio until after NOON. I got the program set up and kicked off on my customer quilt:

She picked one of my absolutely favorite patterns, which is west wind. AND, I totally won at bobbin chicken after one of my passes:

I really don't think you can get much closer than that!
I also spent a lot of time cutting fabric. The SEW MUCH FUN club has requested donations of holiday fabric…and since I’m not doing craft fairs anymore (which used to be what I used holiday fabric for) and since everything they make and sell, they donate the money to charity….I cut and donated 22-3/4 yards of fabric for a variety of holidays…but mostly Christmas:

Is that all of my holiday fabric? Unfortunately no…but that’s all I was up for cutting today :~).
I worked on my current customer quilt, and other than a wasted hour (when Paula and I and Loree raced to the church to pick up 2 quilts for me to longarm that weren’t there) that’s all I did and the customer quilt was finished by 6 PM:

I got it cleaned up and off of the frame and trimmed:

then settled in to knit while Michael was at the movies.
BG - this is the fabric we will be making the striped quilts out of at retreat....hope you like it and it turns out...I couldn't resist it:

*** Come here you big, beautiful cup of coffee and lie to me about how much we’re going to get done today!! ***
Are you kidding? 22 yds is nothing! A mere chip shot in golf!
OMG!! I LOVE it!!!
Well that 22 3/4 yards should Have made a big dent in your stash, or do you not count holiday fabrics in that?
What happened to the two custome quilts that weren’t at the church?
I love the new fabric for the striped quilt