9/23/24 – 9/28/24 = Another Fiber Floozie retreat has come and gone….I do not have the words to say how grateful I am that these friendships have lasted.
When I first moved to South Carolina, I was not sure whether or not I would lose my good friends….after all…geographical distance means that you have to put more work into the friendship to keep it going. And I was blown away when I tentatively suggested a quilting retreat (very soon after we moved) where we could all meet ‘’in the middle’’ once a year to get together…and they all ENTHUSIASTICALLY agreed!! And I am grateful beyond measure that I have found friends here in the south that really do fit in perfectly with my long-time CT/MA friends!
I got some shocking news about someone in my past while at retreat….and found it very serendipitous that the 4 people who knew and would care about the news were there with me. All in all, I am thoroughly blessed to have had such good friends in my life.
Let’s meet the crew:
-there's me of course (SC)

-Janice (NC)

-June (NC)

-Mary Jo (CT)

-BG (CT)

-Leila (MA)

-Pat (SC)

We had one celebration while we were there.....Leila retired since we last saw her:

-her favorite holiday is Halloween, thus the decorations.....so we all dug in:

-totally forgetting the effect black frosting would have on our teeth and tongues:

It wasn't all sugar....we had lots of other great dinners.....I'm just posting these pierogis to make the rest of you jealous!

As you might know by now....when you finish something, you jump up and say ''I'm on the board''.....we were incredibly productive:

-the ever popular pillow cases!

-same block, laid out 3 different ways....then full top with final layout

-Pat found the perfect Christmas quilt on one of her trips to Chicago...and then sucked 3 of the rest of us into buying it to make on our QUAP retreat!!!

-the ever popular potato chip quilt

-summer napping quilt for Janice's screened in porch

-of COURSE I love this!!!! Leila has great taste :~)

-these little purses were all the rage....

-mountains.....or valleys?

-and a patriotic one....

-many, many blocks done....ready for the design wall at home

-it's always fun when multiple people do the same pattern in different colorways....

-and one incredible project that was worked on the ENTIRE week:

-until finally....do you like landscape? or portrait?

There was a little show and tell from home:

This retreat was bittersweet in a way.....it was our 15th retreat....and I no longer feel I can do that 8+ hour drive to our perfect place. I did not book a reservation for next year....we are still a bit up in the air about what might replace it, but I remain grateful that the friendships will endure no matter what!
And no matter what....we are FIBER FLOOZIES FOREVER!!!!
Deb, all of the quilts, purses, and table runners are simply BREATH-TAKING!!!! I absolutely love the last quilt with all of the tiny little squares. It looks like bargello. It was great to see all of the many familiar faces! Great to hear everyone had a wonderful time.
Deb, I’m so glad you were able to go again this year. You’ve made such precious memories.
Loved all the Halloween themed fun!