I spent Tuesday morning (11/19) continuing to sew on my newest QoV before leaving before 1 PM to head to our Fiber Nutz meeting:
-Pam, trying on some donated 18th century garb...

-Kathy & Carol

-Melanie & Marilyn

-oops! Didn't realize I got Lucie with her eyes closed!

It was a very lively and fun time and I got a lot of knitting done while I was there.
I was home at 4 PM and SKYPE’d with BG for a bit before Michael ran to the crab truck to get us sandwiches for dinner, and then he left for the movies and I went back to knitting and watching MIDSOMER MURDERS in the evening.
And here's Freya...playing with her newest toy:

Michael got rained out of golf on Wednesday (11/20) and I SKYPE’d with Janice for our normal 1-1/2 hours before heading across the street for a massage. She really worked on my hips and lower back once I told her that I had to get up out of bed Tuesday night to take an anti-inflammatory to get rid of the pain in my hips so that I could get to sleep :~(. I felt much better on the way home and my honey made me breakfast when I got home so that I could immediately sit down at the computer to put together a blog entry. That took over an hour, but I was finally ready to get back to the QoV and finished the final border:

I am not sure I will ever do another one just like this…but I am totally in love with this one!!!
Thursday (11/21) was all about quilting….with tons of food that people brought in for breakfast…and lovely show and tell:

-rope bowls June's daughter is making as Christmas gifts....she wants to make FORTY of them and fill with candy to give out!

-I saw a picture of this quilt and was determined to make it. I used the 4 patches that SHQ made this year for our QoV's....I think it really turned out well.

-isn't this a totally striking quilt?

-and for those of you who might be wondering (Mary Jo, check them out)....no, those points are absolutely NOT paper pieced!!!! It's just Susie with her incredible hand piecing skills!

I didn’t get home until 2:30 PM (5 of us just sat around and talked for a bit after quilting) and I joined my honey in the studio. We watched a cooking show…while he continued to work his way through his emails, and I cleaned out a box of rope:

and cut strips that I hope to gift to June’s daughter.
We got Chinese for dinner and as part of the clean out with Janice, I found a bunch of patriotic HST’s and pinwheels that needed trimming. I spent the evening doing that while watching TV with my honey. As I was trimming down these incredibly wonky pinwheels and HST’s, it made me even more grateful for the HST ruler that Janice turned me on to :~)!

*** When I was a kid, I used to watch the ‘Wizard of Oz’ & wonder how someone could talk if they didn't have a brain. Then I got on Facebook. ***
*** Do you ever get up in the morning, look in the mirror & think, "That can't be accurate!" ***
Yes, yes !! Beautiful hand piecing ! Junes custom quilting is gorgeous as well ❣️