Michael headed out for golfing on Wednesday (9/13), while I headed to the studio to get some binding applied:

It took me a L_O_O_O_N_G time with having to jump up every 3 minutes to keep an eye on Freya….she is a bit stubborn about going to the bathroom outside!!!
AND, she is growing like a WEED!!!! My honey weighed her again…..5 pounds on August 1st, SEVENTEEN pounds today!!!!

My honey was home by 3 PM, and willing to take over child care (or should I say puppy care) and I moved a bit faster after that. I am teaching a class at quilting on Thursday and need to have my samples done. I got the binding put completely on one side of one quilt, and about 3/4 of the way applied to the first side on a second quilt. That took until dinnertime, when we had leftover pizza, and just vegged in front of the boob tube after that.
And 2 sides to the coin:
*** My body is a temple….I must make offerings of wine and chocolate. ***
*** My body used to be a temple….now it’s a combination of liquor store and Mexican restaurant. ***
I think she is going to be bigger than Cookie.
It is child care!!!