Michael left for a foot doctor appointment Friday morning (7/26), then had his usual run of errands on the way home (Food Lion, Harris Teeter, library).
I finished up another library book (thank goodness!!) so that meant I could finally tear myself away and get back to quilting!! I got the second Scrap Happy QoV loaded:

and the program all set up…and finally managed to get the final border on my 3 yard quilt:

I think this 3 yard quilt top took me 3 weeks to finish, but that’s ok….I’m not going to beat myself up about it :~).
I got one pass done on the QoV:

before my honey came home and came downstairs to talk. Of course all of the furry kids joined us....but I had to take pictures of Lucy & Ethel since it was totally unusual to have them sitting this close together:

Finally it was time for Michael and me to celebrate my birthday….so you know what’s coming…..champagne and puffy things:

AND, we watched CALENDAR GIRLS, an old movie that I got from Amazon for 3 bucks!!! It was terrific! Janice….you have to see it….you’ll recognize CALL THE MIDWIFE, DOC MARTIN…and even a little bit of EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL :~).
Leila & Janice managed to connect in Connecticut....just 2 retired gals having lunch:

We stayed up late Friday night, so we were kind of slug-a-beds on Saturday morning (7/27). But eventually I made my way to the studio to continue to quilt on the second QoV, while my honey made me breakfast and delivered it downstairs:

I anticipated a nice, quiet, pleasant day….guess that was my mistake! Instead, I got break after break after break on my longarm. My top thread was pulling its old tricks and breaking every 12 inches. It’s days like these that truly make me want to stop doing long arm quilting for other people or at all :~(!!! I finally couldn’t stand it anymore after trying numerous ideas to stop the breakage, and I shut everything down.
I thought I had enough fabric to make another 3 yard quilt, so I got it all cut (along with binding for both quilts) and put it in my project box:

We got cleaned up and headed into Waxhaw to meet up with Bonnie & Mike and Susan for THE DAY THE INTERNET DIED. The play was really cute, but the acoustics in the elementary school needed some work…so there were several scenes we really had trouble hearing. But it was nice to see friends and reconnect with theatre buddies:

I just couldn’t face my studio on Sunday (7/28), so my honey took me out to Biscuitville for breakfast:

And then once again I sat all day and read a book. I’ve now finished the 5th in the series that Janice turned me on to…and they were great, but you need to read them in order. The author is Anthony Horowitz. And all 5 books are available in the library down here:
1. The Word is Murder (2017)
2. The Sentence is Death (2018)
3. A Line to Kill (2021)
4. The Twist of a Knife (2022)
5. Close to Death (2024)
I told Michael what I had decided to do with my long arm. Just like in January when I had this problem….I’m going to take both quilts off of the long arm (why did the first quilt stitch out perfectly...and the first pass on the second was problem free?) and load up a new one. And if I have problems with the new one….I’m going to sell the longarm and use the money to get my quilts done!
I just felt bummed all day and I think my honey wanted to try to cheer me up, so we got Chinese food for dinner and opened up another bottle of champagne…it was heaven!
And my friend Barb has not been able to do much quilting...but she's keeping herself busy none-the-less with lots of knitting for her granddaughter's up coming baby shower:

*** 5 ants rented an apartment with 5 other ants…..now they’re TENANTS together. *** (feel free to groan)
*** The good news is….it wasn’t a bug. The bad news is….I beat the crap out of a black bean on the floor with my shoe. ******
What precious knitted baby creations!
(& I’m with Michael…Prosecco for any occasion. Shoot, I’ll even make something up))
Yay for champagne anytime!
Hope Xena decides to behave after an appropriate time out... 🙁