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Friday & Saturday & Sunday

Writer's picture: dreamsoapsdreamsoaps

My honey made me another terrific breakfast on Friday (5/10) with some of those delicious strawberries June and I bought on the way home from our mini-retreat:

so that I could dive right in to finishing Sandy’s quilt…and at last it was done:

  I spent time ripping out the basting, weaving in ends and trimming it:

before finding more fabric for another quilt for my project box (Pat, does this quilt fabric look familiar???):

  I spent quite a bit of time cutting what I needed while Michael headed out on errands to CVS, the liquor store (something special for dessert during our upcoming retreat :~), the movie theatre, Harris Teeter and ALDI’s.

I got an entire large quilt cut and I believe my project box is now sufficiently full for the retreat starting late next week….and probably has enough in it to get me through Fiber Floozies in September as well :~). 

Michael made ravioli for dinner and I knit while we watched TV in the evening.



Michael headed out for golf early Saturday morning (5/11), while I headed to the studio to baste a new customer’s quilt:

  I got it all basted, but ran into a problem when I tried to set up the program.  For some reason, the design she picked from my design book did not exist on my computer :~(.  And when I went to look for it on-line, it was an hour and a half of research before I finally re-found it on Wasatch quilting (it’s too long a story to even tell you how I figured out where it even existed (but it involved my spreadsheet of websites/id’s/passwords!)….determined that I had bought it in 2018, and found the email where I could re-download the file and load it onto my longarm computer….whew!  After that it was pretty smooth sailing, and I finished up quilting by dinnertime (it was a smallish quilt):


When Michael came home in the afternoon, I had just finished cutting some setting triangles, and he put them up for me...I think this background fabric is perfect!!

We headed outside at 9:20 PM to watch the ISS go overhead, but saw no northern lights  :~(.


PSA – Well – I guess we’re finally joining the 21st century….we’re getting rid of our home phone/land line…it has been turned off….our cell numbers are in the SCCL directory…if for some reason you don’t have them, shoot me a quick email and I will send to you….THANKS!



Another day, another quilt, and another (artfully arranged) breakfast:

I loaded up my last customer quilt on Sunday (5/12):

and I knew I would have to watch it very closely as there were some poofy areas…my customer knew there were some problems with the top, but she asked me to do the best that I could.  She said it was a very challenging pattern….with several mistakes in it….and no help from the designer when my customer wrote to her. 

Anyway, I got started, but I ran into a real problem on row 2 which required some ripping and hours of other fixing  :~(.  I ran out for an appointment in mid-afternoon, and finally at 4 PM….with my honey’s help, I was able to get going again:

  Originally I had hoped to have this quilt done by dinnertime….so I wasn’t looking forward to only being part way done when I I pushed and pushed myself to keep going and by 8 PM was thrilled to be done.

Instead of a funny….I’m leaving you with this quote that I love…you know, BG gave me a huge compliment when she was down here…she said she used to be happy when she finished a quilt…but I said to her if you’re only going to be happy then….you’ve spent a long time for 5 minutes of happy…you need to enjoy the journey…and she said it really made her like quilting even more!


“Most of your life will not be extraordinary. Most of your life will be simple things, done regularly. If you are only going to be happy:

·         when you’re on vacation

·         after a lush payday

·         after a big career win

…you’re going to spend most of your life really dissatisfied.

You either learn to love the day as it is, or you don’t learn to love life at all.”


Brianna Wiest



May 13, 2024

You’ll love that you’re only using cell phones now. Got rid of our land line in 2008, & have never looked back.


May 13, 2024

You are only given today, sew love it to the fullest. Then you will truly find happiness.


May 13, 2024

Don't worry, be Happy remember the song? Your last quilt, the modernish one looks like something I might enjoy doing. What is the pattern?


May 13, 2024

Enjoy every minute of every day!!!!!! I do!!!

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