I had an electrolysis appointment first thing Friday morning (6/21)…I definitely feel like a guy…the hair on my head is getting thinner….but it’s sprouting out in all new (and definitely unwanted) other places :~(. When I came home it was time to mix and bake:

peanut butter cookies for the picnic tomorrow.
I spent the afternoon on my first tablecloth…and contrary to my former guess….it took over 2 hours to finally finish it:

I am so glad to be done with that!!!
Michael and I got cleaned up and picked up Sandy and Laura, and met June, Bonnie and Mike at the Fort Mill theatre for a hysterical production of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE…abridged!

It was a fun time at the playhouse…and on the way home, the strawberry moon was absolutely STUNNING!!! Huge and beautiful in the sky.
And June sent me a great link to an article on knitting….I think everyone should take it up: https://click.convertkit-mail2.com/e5uwmk4vd2t0u34dnpu8h74eww22hl/kkhmh6hl2vkn5xil/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucHN5Y2hvbG9neXRvZGF5LmNvbS91cy9ibG9nL29wZW4tZ2VudGx5LzIwMTUwNi9rbml0dGluZy1pcy1nb29kLXlvdQ==
We were up early Saturday (6/22) and after a quick breakfast, we headed off to a state park for a picnic with the Mustang group Michael has joined...they cooked burgers and dogs, and had tons of sides…and asked us all to bring a dessert (that’s what my peanut butter cookies were for).

While we were at the picnic, 4 guys helped Michael to get his hood stripes attached:

He got instructions from a guy who used to do it for a living, and is hoping to put on door stripes by himself.
We were home around 4 PM, and I don’t know whether it was the heat, or a previous bad night’s sleep, or what…but I took a nap for almost 2 HOURS!!! After that we just had a small bite for dinner (still way too full from the cookout) and vegged in front of the TV for the evening.
Sunday (6/23) was a terrific day….my honey took me out for a leisurely breakfast, and he spent the rest of the day watching the Travelers Open, while I spent it in my sewing room, loading up:


and finishing my Christmas tablecloth:

I need to get it off of XENA and quickly get a customer quilt finished before Janice arrives sometime this week to quilt 2 QoV’s.
And a 10 years ago peek.....https://foodandfiberfloozie.blogspot.com/2014/06/louis-ginter-botanical-flowers-and.html
*** I want AI (artificial intelligence) to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes. Joanna Maciejewska ***
I read the knitting article and you can stroke my yarn anytime!!! If you know what I mean!
So what is the plan with the tablecloths, just to trim and bind them?
I tried to read everything, but I instantly turned into a blue monster & started yelling; “Cookies!!”