Sunday (9/17) was such a relaxing day!!! We did a big fry-up in the morning:

then Janice took off for home:

and I spent the entire day reading!!! It was wonderful!!!
Paula came by and dropped off a quilt and we had a lovely time talking, and after that we took a short car ride to keep Freya getting used to riding in the car:

but other than that, it was a very relaxing day….which Ethel spent on the back of the couch:

We had rain on and off during the day, and I have terrific pictures of my irises (a gift from Loree years ago) on Saturday:

and then after the rain on Sunday (don't those drops on the rose look almost fake?):

Michael and I had Chinese for dinner, then watched TV separately as he had a movie he wanted to finish and his scheduled rehearsal got cancelled...YAY!.
For those Notting Hill fans (like me!!!):
*** I’m just a gal…standing in front of the fridge…hoping dinner will make
itself. ***
The irises and rose are so beautiful! I cannot believe you have irises blooming at this time of the year. We only get irises to bloom in May and June. Freya is growing like a weed!
My goodness! That rose with the rain drops could win a photo contest!
I red rose and saw irises…..and then the beautiful rose with those spectacular rain drops.
I think we should plan something for a smaller group…. Maybe we could a house near