I had a lot of paperwork to get through on Tuesday morning (5/24), and then we had a routine vet appointment for Cookie just before 11 AM, so I didn’t make it to the studio until NOON. Michael was out getting blood work done and going to the chiropractor’s before the vet appointment. So, you know Janice and Dennis stayed here last night…and I wanted to switch out the fall/winter quilt on the guest room bed for the spring/summer quilt before they got here….while I was in the guest room closet, I found a bunch of quilt tops and decided this was as good a time as any to get them ALL hung up in the closet in the main part of the basement:

I have TWENTY-FIVE quilt tops!!! PLUS one wall hanging top and 4 small baby tops that I might sew together into a bigger quilt. I cannot believe all of the tops I have….some of them are so old I almost forgot them. And luckily Michael had re-arranged some of his shorts, and decided he likes them better folded on shelves…freeing up a couple of multi-hangers:

I need to fire up XENA and keep her running 24/7!!!
Anyway, after that I cut batting and basted the green chandelier quilt:

I’m naming these based on the color of the setting triangles….as I have one done with green, one done with blue and one done with yellow. I got about 60% of the way done with the quilting:

before dinner. I am not quilting very densely, and I was hoping that the light gray thread I am using would blend with the white and not detract from the colors....I think it's perfect!

arrived with our dinner from the crab truck:

before 6. Everything was excellent, and it was nice to sit and chat for awhile before she left. We were chatting in the living room and Ethel decided the second pile of Beds=Dreams quilts would be a perfect place to relax:

I have to get them bagged up for show and tell on Thursday.
Michael and I settled in (he with popcorn) to watch JURRASIC WORLD…which I had taped earlier in the week.
PS – Katie B. R., I hope you got my answer to your comment. I don’t have you on my email distribution, so can’t write directly back…and I'm not sure if you get notified when I reply to a comment. If you missed it, head back to the post (https://dreamsoaps.wixsite.com/website/post/beds-dreams-quilts) and look at the bottom under comments….thx!
*** My wife says I only have 2 faults. I don't listen and something else.... ***
*** I always knew I’d grow old….I was however surprised by how fast it happened! ***
Yes, Deb, I read your reply. Thank you. BTW, congratulations on your weight loss. I'll bet you feel FANTASTIC!