Friday (10/11) we both had another visit with the chiro in the morning, then Michael was off to his men’s luncheon with grocery shopping on the way home….and I was in the studio, continuing to quilt (again, each row takes 30 minutes to stitch out!) and sewing blocks together for my Rainbow:

I headed upstairs around 4 PM to pull together an Asian slaw and our guests arrived at 6 PM:
-Mark & Diane

-Kay & Pete

We grilled hot dogs (which again, were praised to the skies….thanks BG!!!!) and Kay brought macaroni salad, I did the slaw, and Diane provided 2 indulgent desserts!

We played the horse racing game after dinner, and for such a simple game it is certainly a lot of fun….Kay is going to buy it for her daughter’s family!

Everyone was gone by 10 PM and I iced my back (acting up since the chiro) and watched just a bit of TV with my honey before bed.
Michael was out early on Saturday for golf (10/12) and I continued quilting and finally by lunchtime I was finished with the first Christmas quilt:

I got all of the ends sewn in and got it off of the frame and cleaned up and trimmed (that always seems to take longer than I think it will!) AND, all of my Rainbow blocks are in columns:

Time to start sewing them together.
I set some time aside to pull together blankets and quilts from our house that we are not using…one of our Thursday quilters, June, is driving to Wytheville tomorrow to meet up with a long arm quilter from Tennessee. This longarmer has said that people whose houses have not been washed away by the flood have to return to them, as they have no where else to go. They still don’t have water, electricity or heat and it is already cold at night in the mountains. The longarmer will be a distribution point for blankets and clothing. At first I didn’t think I had anything to go besides 2 quilts with ripped tops that I didn’t want to send….somehow that seemed dis-respectiful…..then I went into my guest room closet…..I pulled together 11 blankets/quilts/afghans, several large, warm sweaters….a bunch of hats/mittens/scarves I had knitted but not gotten to the women’s shelter yet…and a bag of toothbrushes/toothpaste (these were on the list of supplies needed when Michael took stuff to the Mustang Museum):

So Diane picked me up at 2 PM and we headed to Loree’s, since she volunteered to be a drop-off point for the supplies. We unloaded the car and sat and talked for quite awhile, hoping that June would show up, but finally we had to get home and got in our car….and June arrived! That way we were able to help load June’s car before leaving:

Diane dropped me off and I came in to an injured puppy. Freya had skidded on our floor earlier in the day and at that time I checked out her legs and she seemed fine….but by the time I got home, she was definitely favoring her back, right leg….so we spent the rest of the night putting ice on it….20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. She definitely seemed better by bedtime, but if her progress doesn’t continue, we’ll head for the vet’s on Sunday.
We went up to the Lodge for dinner to help support their efforts to raise money for Water’s Edge Park (which was flooded) and then settled in for the night. I had hoped to finish the quilting on the Christmas quilt…but it wasn’t to be….getting blankets and warm clothes for June to take to the mountains was way more important!
We had a late start on Sunday (10/13), but Michael got to SKYPE with AJ while I was putting together bread dough. I finally hit the studio at 11 AM and got to finish my next-to-the-next-to-the-last row on the quilt. When Diane came to pick me up on Saturday, my bobbin thread had just run out…and with the way the rest of the day went, I never got back to it :~(. So, I left my machine on overnight and am determined to finish this quilt today! By early afternoon, it was FINALLY done. I also got bread baked, and got the quilt off of the frame and trimmed so that I could load another one, but only got the backing loaded.
I came upstairs at 7 PM….hoping to eat, but Michael wanted to hit the golf course and look for the comet. We found Venus…and the comet was supposed to be nearby, but we never saw it :~(. Anyway, that put our dinnertime around 8 PM, after which we settled in to watch the first 2 episodes of RIDLEY.
And 10 years ago.....
-Anne, any chance of sending this blog onto Barb's daughter?
-wonder what play Michael was in? You'll have to keep reading to find out
*** I’ve been hiding from exercise…..I’m in the Fitness Protection Program! ***
*** I seized the day…..unfortunately I didn’t lift with my knees, so I also seized my back! ***
Love the Christmas quilt and your rainbow quilt! Hope you and Freya are both feeling better.
i can't believe how many times #10 was winning!
Deb, I don’t know how you do it all !
Sounds like you had a very busy couple of days!! Hoping Freya and your back are feeling better.
And PS. I typed that message using the pinky finger on my left hand to type the 'a' for the first time in a year and a half !!!😀