Michael left for golf around 8:30 AM on Saturday (11/16), while Janice and I headed to the studio once again. She got her second quilt all loaded….look at this beautiful BACK:

and now the front:

She spent some time deciding on a size and setting up the program:

and kicked off the quilting:

I continued to work on my QoV….I had to make a bunch of additional smaller blue 4 patches, but was also able to figure out that finishing the quilt the way I want to, will bring it to a 60ish by 70ish inch size…which is always what I am aiming for.
For the second red/blue border, I took Diane’s suggestion and instead of alternating the red HST’s and blue HST’s, I did one round of red, then the outer round of blue….it really is much calmer than the alternating red/blue…and might have even worked with my original design, but I love the embroidery, so I can’t be too sad that I went in that direction :~). Janice and I worked all day and by dinnertime, she had her second quilt all finished:

and I had 2 new borders on my QoV:

Sunday morning (11/17) we had another big fry-up:

and it was just heavenly! After that, Janice showed me the 3 piles of stuff on the pool table that I need to take care of….easy peasy! She was a God-send in getting rid of all of the stuff I had dragged out. I still have 6 XEROX boxes of stuff and I don’t know what is in them….but we’ll do them 1 – 2 boxes at a time on her subsequent visits.
She also re-arranged the disappearing 9 patch blocks….and I don’t exactly know what she did…but I definitely like it better. It went from this:

to this:

She headed for home around NOON and I spent the afternoon reading my book, but finally made my way to the studio around 4 PM. I got the next border (just background fabric) put on just 2 sides of my QoV before heading back upstairs for dinner and snuggling with my honey….Let me tell you…even though she did all of the work…Janice just wore me out!!!
I was up at 6:30 AM Monday morning (11/18) to get in a shower before leaving for a routine heart doc appointment for my honey. We hit BJ’s on the way home to begin buying all of the other supplies I need for candy making….since my 20 pounds of white and dark chocolate is already here :~). I hope to start making stuff this coming Friday.
After that I just had a bit of time to sew before Pat picked me up for our monthly Machine Embroidery meeting. It was a fun meeting….I got several compliments on my shrug (as they all watched me knit on it forever :~), and we had beautiful show and tell:

I got the next, plain border put on my QoV when I got home before Michael and I headed to our neighbor’s house to give a QoV out. At our veteran’s luncheon, I was talking to our neighbors and found out that their son was a veteran….I knew I still had 1 completed quilt in my closet, and was thinking about how they could get it to him (he and his wife live in Ohio)…when I got a call that he and his wife were unexpectedly coming for a visit! So, we tootled on down there and read out a page explaining what was happening and gave him the quilt:

Kay texted me afterwards…thanking and thanking me and telling me that her son was THRILLED to receive it!
*** Oh, the weather outside is frightful…and my joint pain is not delightful….and since it has gotten so cold….I feel old, I feel old, I feel old!! ***
*** As I watch this generation try to rewrite history, one thing I am sure of is that it will be misspelled and have no punctuation. ***
Fantastic embroideries!!!!
I agree..i cant quite tell what janice did with your blocks…but it does look much better!
Absolutely LOVE Janice's quilt and your QOV! All of the embroidery projects are so cute! Love the Santa Lounge stocking and the penguin wreath! Everybody is so talented!