Current COVID related deaths: 679,407
COVID deaths yesterday: 677,754
The 3 of us had a totally leisurely time at breakfast on Sunday (9/12), and didn’t leave the kitchen table until around NOON. Janice started to gather up everything she is taking home. She’s taking loads of stuff from Pat/June/me, since she will be driving as a single, directly from her home to the retreat center for the Fiber Floozies retreat….WHICH IS 5 WEEKS FROM TODAY… guys better be packing up your crafts!!! Here's the back of her car:

Pat/June and I will be going together in my car. Janice took time out to show me how to use the half square triangle ruler from Bonnie Hunter…and it is a wonderful!!!!! Although my brain couldn’t understand why/how it works….I just did it and sewed and measured and I am beyond excited to be able to make HST’s as leader and ender blocks, WITH NO TRIMMING! The ruler also shows you where your quarter inch seam should be…and Bonnie Hunter warns against trusting a quarter inch foot. In my case, she was exactly right! My seam was very fat. I put on the original foot that came with my machine…and my seam was much better…the only problem is…I really like a flange foot; it helps me to keep my fabric straight. So, I headed upstairs for some stick-on felt strips we have, and one of them worked for me perfectly:

Janice got a little more sewing completed before she left....and pressed her ''fish'' on the wonderful, newly recovered table top ironing boards thanks to my honey:

Janice will be taking one of those with her as well. Finally, her car was all packed and she was on the road before 2 PM.

I headed back to my lonely, empty studio, and got out my bolt of white to cut squares for the squiggle quilt. I was downstairs until 9 PM, but by the time I joined Michael on the loveseat, all of my squiggle blocks were sewn into rows:

*** Tonight’s Powerball Jackpot is a full tank of unleaded gas and a sheet of plywood. ***