Current COVID related deaths: 623,838
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 623,457
I had a victory Wednesday morning (7/14), washing my hair by myself for the first time…YAY!! Ginny B. picked me up after 8 AM and we picked up a bagel before heading into Ballentyne. My PT session went well and I was back home by 10:30 AM, grateful that I got to know Ginny a bit better! I made a cup of tea, put a piece of quiche to heat up on the stove, and signed on to SKYPE with Janice. Halfway through our session, I got a wonderful surprise:

June (who is vacationing in North Myrtle Beach) swung by Janice's house for a visit. We had a great visit over SKYPE, and when we finished up around NOON, I headed downstairs to get my blog out.
I just putzed until my honey came home around 3 PM. He had to quit golfing a bit early…it was WAY too hot and I’m glad he quit before he felt worse…he was utterly drained and ended up taking a short nap in the afternoon. And this birdie streak is done….but 9 games in a row was a pretty awesome run!
We had pizza slices and corn for a late dinner and watched TV the rest of the night.
*** Any BIG BANG/quilting fans out there?
Soft fabric, Warm fabric
Buy it by the yard.
Happy fabric, Pretty fabric,
Take my credit card. ***
LOVE the Big Bang/quilting ditty. We'll have to practice singing it so on our next retreat , if we visit any quilt shops, we can sing anytime one of us makes a purchase.....😁