Current COVID related deaths: 694,637
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 692,002
*** I feel so official….I have a correction and an addition to an earlier blog. Loree still got married in JUNE, three months after meeting Reg on a blind date. When she said they had moved their wedding ‘back’, after one of their relatives couldn’t make it, I thought it had moved into May, but it was just earlier in June. And the addition is: the woman who begged Loree to go on the blind date obviously had no hard feelings as she was Loree’s maid of honor!!! ***
I got ''dog food'' in the crockpot (brown rice, sweet potatoes, chicken, mixed veggies):

first thing on Monday (9/20), so at least one productive thing was done in the morning. Despite our words to the contrary…..on Monday, Inez and I sat at the kitchen table….in our pajamas…..until 1:30 PM!!!!! She kept saying she needed to take a shower….and I kept saying I needed to get my blog out, but then we would be off on another tangent talking…and neither of us would move. This is what Cookie was doing while we were talking:

Obviously totally bored with our conversation!!
Finally, when Michael called to say he was on his way home from the golf course, we finally got up and started moving!!
Speaking of Michael, this is what he got from the pro shop here at SCCL with a gift certificate from that golfing basket I won:

Yep, a new golf bag….it really is sharp looking.
Linda stopped by to drop off a quilt (which Lucy immediately appropriated):

and to try the MUD CAKE (which she thought was heavenly). And after she left, Inez started to make the dough for KILLER PECAN STICKY BUNS: T

The minute they were in the pan for the second rise, we headed out to Hickory Tavern for dinner….Inez’s treat! Dinner was yummy:

and once we were home, we settled in for a quick half hour of Jeopardy, then Inez got to see Michael in the Fort Mill production of A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM.
*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***
Reminiscence: stars Hugh Jackman- this is Sci-Fi / Film Noir - set in apocalyptic Miami after a war, and when the seas have risen so much that Miami is like Venice Italy. People only go out at night because it's too hot in the day and most want to live in the past. Luckily, Nick, (Hugh Jackman) runs a "den" where people can relive their favorite memories by wearing a brain reading device. He then falls in love with one of his customers who mysteriously disappears. Interesting start but the movie gets muddled from there. Who is she? Why did she come into his life? This becomes an obsession to Nick and takes him to dirty cops, dirty politicians and a mystery you just can't figure out, and neither could the writers. Aside from an all too realistic look at where our world may be headed, the story meanders without getting anywhere. I give it 2 fat quarters out of 5.
And Janice has already made fish out of the discards from the squiggle quilt:

*** She said that she missed me. Normally that would be a good thing….but she’s reloading. ***
Those buns look fantastic. I like the way Janice has different sizes of fish.
Love PJ's till 1:30 ! I laughed out loud at the funny. 😁