Current COVID related deaths: 771,923
COVID deaths as of yesterday: 768,927
Cookie was up early on Wednesday (11/3) so Michael took her out, but she still wouldn’t settle down, so I headed to the media room to sleep with her to allow Michael some peace and quiet. The next thing I knew it was 8:45 AM and I was due to SKYPE with Janice in 15 minutes!!! Everything went well (although I bet I looked like the WRECK OF THE HESPERUS to Janice!!) and while we were talking I remembered this binding I had made. I gave a quilt to my friend Connie awhile back, and when I went to bind the quilt....I had forgotten I had already made the binding, and so made a second one out of something else (I have a better system now for knowing whether or not I have binding already made!). Anyway, I wanted to put it in the stack of scraps I have been collecting for Janice, so while we were talking, I wound it looks so pretty:

Anyway, when we were done I jumped in the shower, while Michael loaded my embroidery machine in the car. When I got to Norm’s, we had a long talk about my current, 22 year old machine, and what might happen when he tried to repair it. The end result being….I bought a new embroidery machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had 2 different machines….one for about $4500 and one for $1800. When I told him what I used my machine for, he said that I would not use or appreciate the expanded capabilities of the more expensive machine, PLUS the footprint on the more expensive machine does not fit what I have available on my table, so he really thought I should get the less expensive one. Also, my current computer software will work with the new machine….YAY!!! It is being shipped from Tennessee and I will go in for a lesson or 2 once it is here. I was home by 2 PM (after a stop at the post office to mail off a gift and at the bank to cash some checks) and it took me another hour and a half to get through my emails and get my blog out. After that I concentrated on re-claiming my backing fabric from the rainbow bargello:

We had Chinese for dinner and I got binding all sewn together from the purple leftovers:

BTW - I'm so glad that I put the rainbow bargello on my to-be-bound pile, and covered it with a piece of muslin to keep the kitty hairs off of it (what the heck is going on under there? at about 1:13 seconds, those big eyes come into view):
*** People who say ‘’go big or go home’’ seriously underestimate my willingness to go home….like…it’s literally my only goal. ***
Congratulations on the new machine, can’t wait to see pictures ofit
You never said anything this morn at SHQ! What kind of embroidery machine did you get. As for the to be bound pile, you need to put the folded sides out so the kitties can't investigate and get all Hairy.
Can't wait to see the new embroidery machine!!! That was very unexpected news!!