I was up early Tuesday (11/28) to pull grocery lists together and get my blog out before continuing with my quilting:

My honey left on a marathon shopping trip to 3 different grocery stores and CVS. He was gone for HOURS and said ‘’I get big points for this…right’’?? And I assured him that he did :~). I worked on Linda’s quilt for the rest of the day, and got the quilting finished:

My honey left for the movies just after 6 PM, and I knit the night away, with Freya by my side.
Here are many gratuitous pics of some furry kids:

And this one is just for my quilter/Princess Bride fans:
*** Hello….my name is Inigo Montoya….you used my sewing scissors to cut paper….prepare to die! ***
It looks like Ethel hasn't bonded with Freya like Lucy.. But can't tell them apart anyway.
I love Linda's quilt! The colors are great. Freya is growing like a weed! What are you feeding her?
It is beautiful!
You are sooooo spoiled !!! But I know you spoil M too. 😊
In addition to loving to see what you are quilting, my favorite photos are probably your pets 🐶🐈⬛! Is there one cat in particular that likes Freya? I get a kick out of seeing them hanging out together!