Another glorious day when we woke up on Saturday (6/1)…it was in the 50’s!!! Michael was up at 6 AM for a 7:50 tee off time…and I managed to fall back asleep and didn’t get up until almost 8 AM!!
I got a blog entry out and then putzed around in the studio a bit before it was time for a kick-in-the-butt!!! My butt that is…..I was procrastinating about starting Loree's quilt.....but finally I got bobbins wound and started in on the quilting:

I won’t say it was a joy…and I had to watch and manipulate the fabric with every stitch, but like most things I am afraid to start…it wasn’t as bad as I feared :~). I didn’t curse her name at all :~). AND, like most things I am afraid to start….I had a great sense of accomplishment when I finished up before dinner:

-the best thing about the suede backing? Besides the fact that it will feel great to snuggle under, the quilting really shows up

My honey came home around 2 PM with an 82 and a birdie….so he was happy…and he went through his emails downstairs while I was quilting.
We had our second anniversary celebration, another bottle of champagne (how decadent!), of course with our frozen strawberries to keep it chilled...and our favorite puffy things:

while watching Daniel Craig as 007 in NO TIME TO DIE. The only thing I have to say is... what a change from Sean Connery….SO MUCH more killing….SO MUCH more violence…and the special effects were over the top as well.
And a little more info from 10 years ago….
And friend Mary Jo found some pictures from probably 15 or so years ago....

-I wanna say this was from Blue Mountain....any other Floozies wanna weigh in?

*** I choked on a carrot this morning, and all I could think of was, "I'll bet a doughnut wouldn't have done this to me." ***
I just love that picture of you with your hair pulled back. Loree’s quilt is very pretty
Definitely Blue Mountain retreat, but we did go there a couple (3?) years...